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The nerve of this boy!!!

"Its regarding Zeke Hyndeal, right?" He says. Now he wasn't even addressing me as "my king" anymore.
My mood has been sour all this time, because my little captive has been giving me so much pain.
But I don't know why, even in this state, even though I was angry at Renever there was no desire inside me to punish him. I have noticed how sneaky this boy was. Every now and then, he would sneakily omit the word "king" addressing me casually without my title. I have noticed it long ago yet there was no desire of wishing to correct him on that matter.


He was refreshing. In all honesty, the boy had been extremely appealing over the years. This boy had beauty, value and worth. He had daring guts too. Very attractive as well. Even I myself found him appealing. It was a strange appeal, different from what I felt towards Zeke.

Tsk. Thinking about Zeke was giving me a headache again.

I tapped at the arm of the chair I was seated on. "Is there....a way...." I had to stop midway because it was a humiliating thing for me to say it directly.
So I looked at the green haired beauty before me. Asking him to get the message.

"My king, do you know of the famous rumour between Zeke and Aqhstala before they became lovers?"

He started off with a question. I pondered for a moment. According to what I remember, the fake crown prince, Zeke, was a total human trash. He had zero value in him other than being just a meat shield.
There was indeed a famous rumour spreading everywhere, that Aqhstala has abused and mistreated Zeke, that they both had an undeniable hate relationship between them. I believed those rumours too until I saw them both with my eyes, Aqhstala looking so lovingly at Zeke.
That's when I realised that it might have been an act to keep trouble away from Zeke.

"Well, from what I have heard, Aqhstala had been very bad to Zeke. He mistreated him in more than one way. But in the end they became lovers."

Said Renever. Aqhstala? He wasn't addressing him as king.
"So? What's your point?"

He looked at me. "Its simple." He said. "Aqhstala himself is not much different from you, my king. Both of you snatch the things that amuse you, you are both possessive of the things that attract you, and even your temperament are quite similar to each other."

When he said that I wanted to get angry. But there was truth in his words. We were indeed quite similar when it came to character traits and our temperament.
Just like me, Aqhstala was also someone who would plunder to get what he wants. Even if it meant caging someone or destroying something.

"If you, just like Aqhstala, treat Zeke with utmost care and sincerity, whilst being very patient, I am sure Zeke will start to pay attention to you too."

When he finished I was kind of irked.
"You mean, I must be on the losing side?"

I saw the boy flash a humble smile as he said his next words. "Consent is a beautiful thing. For Zeke, who is righteous, being respectful is the best route."

Hm.....I thought about it for a while. All this time I have been trying to force myself on him and it was indeed true that he would snap at me everytime I did it.
I wonder if he would react differently if I change my approach to a softer one. Or rather I was doubtful of myself. Will I be able to go soft in him when I am boiling with desires for him?

"I guess it's worth a try." I murmured to myself.
When I looked over at Renever he was currently lifting his sleeves over his mouth, covering half his face with his sleeves. His purple eyes dropped before they fluttered and looked straight at me.

I felt a tug against my chest. There were moments when I would feel this emotion towards this boy.
"Hah." The thing with Zeke has yet to be handled. Just as I was about to ask him to leave, he said something that surprised me.

"For now, how about I have a small chat with Zeke Hyndeal."

"Why? You want to meet him? Are you curious?" I asked in all honesty.
I have been comparing him with Zeke all the time so maybe he was infact intrested in seeing him in person.

Renever smiled again. His face held a strange feeling when his lips curved. It was something mysterious.
"Yes. I am."

I thought about it for a while. Well there was no harm in letting him meet my little captive.