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Between my captive and my Garnet, it was getting confusing for me to decide which one I wanted more.

One was a man I have been chasing after for years.

Another was a marvellous ally that was starting to grow on me.

Thanks to Renever, the annexation of Limkrte has been a smooth sail.

Aqhstala was also dead. As soon as I was back to the palace I went down the prison to end him for good. The cell that contained him was empty. There was no evidence of him running away or anyone entering.

That mysterious note sat on the bloodied floor.

"I took his life, which I have every right to. This is the end."

Was what was written on it.

The mysterious sender of the intel, who was it?

Sometimes my instinct would try to find a link between these Intel and my Garnet.
But it was impossible for my garnet to be that mysterious person. The evidences didn't match up with each other.

I was really content with my achievements this time.

Limkrte was in my hands. Qieghrt, our enemy empire was embroiled in a bloody succession battle as of now.
Chitz was also affected by the loss of the war.
Zeke was also within my palace walls. Moreover, now, I had another formidable official, my garnet that I was really proud of.

Just thinking about him made me want to meet him. The last time we had talked he rejected to even brew a cup of tea for me. What's more amusing was his excuse for it.
I chuckled lightly thinking of his bothered expression by my request.

Now I was really itching to get the answer to my question that I had pushed back since that day.

Between Zeke and Renever, which one did I wanted more and what was the difference between what I felt for the two.

Tonight I must confirm.

Only by tasting Zeke would I be able to tell if I still wanted him.

The tension between us had went down quite a lot. Thanks to Renever's advice, he has lowered his guard around me a little bit.

Also, I had another reason to visit him.

"Aqhstala is dead." I informed Zeke of his lover's death.

"I see." He muttered in a low voice.

His reaction wasn't what I imagined it to be. I thought he would burst out into tears at this news.
Aqhstala, what did you do to your lover to such an extend that he doesn't feel sad upon knowing of your demise?

No way.....?? Could it be that?

"You don't look sad."

Zeke sighed as he got up from his seat.
"I am sad. It's just that I don't want to grieve for him at the moment."

I got up as well following him inside.

Hearing my footsteps enter, he turned around to face me.
"I wish to rest. Please visit me another time."

Raising my brow at him, I thought if he was planning to escape from here again. He has been strangely still during this time. It was suspicious.

However, I was here for a reason.

I had to confrim it. The sooner the better. The earlier I know the answer the more good it will do.
Besides, I have yet to have a taste of my little captive.

"I will be staying the night here."

His eyes widened in horror at my words.
From the expression he was making, I had confirmed of my guess. Aqhstala must have done it against his will too for him to make a face like this.

"NOOO!! STAY AWAY!!" Zeke screamed, his shoulders flinching even though I had yet to take a step forward.

"Don't worry. I have no intention of going all the way to the end." I took a step then another.

Zeke was backed into a corner, his eyes red with tears before I even touched him.
I grabbed him by his hand.

Behind me I felt a presence. Without turning back, I knew who it was because of the intoxicating smell.
Everyone here were my men so I was very relaxed. However out of all my men, it was my garnet who was here to disrupt us. 

Though, I had no intention to stop.
"It's best if you leave." I uttered before making my move.

Pulling Zeke forcefully towards me I warmed my lips up to press them against his.

But what I felt was not his soft, plump lips. Instead it was the tip of a blade that had stabbed me from behind my neck, thrusted from the nape to my mouth.

Cough. I coughed out a mouthful of blood when the sword withdrew from my neck.

"What?" I thought as I turned back at a lightning speed.

My eyes widened when I saw it for myself, that, it really was him.

This was really unexpected.



I gasped in horror when I saw Rhaskhiz's head flying off his body. The trail of blood splattered like a splashing water as his head rolled in the ground.

I stared at his body that fell lifeless. Then back at the man who did this.

The green haired beauty from back then who was the original Zeke.

He was the reason why I didn't break down upon knowing Aqhstala's death. Since Renever had told me already.
I did cry for his loss, but a part of me knew this was his karma for his sins.

He was also the reason why I stayed here despite being scared. Since he promised to get rid of Rhaskhiz for good.

But I never thought he would take care of it in such a gore manner.

"From here on, you are all on your own."

When he said this, I had already decided what I will do.