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Miraculously that villainous king agreed to my request. It was indeed a miracle because he was glaring at me as if he would refuse but then he granted me the permission to visit Renever's hometown.
Back then I could feel the boy's soul tremble with joy when he was allowed to return home so a genuine smile escaped from my lips inevitably.
That was when I realised that the villain was studying my character. 

Well.... The changes were hard to ignore so he was bound to be intrigued. This curiousity of his, I was going to take full advantage of it.

That aside, I did say that I want to go back home and stay there for sometime. But infact, I was going to be there for a longer period of time.

Right now I was already on my way back to my home country. With Elean of course.

First, I have to take care of an epidemic. This event was one of the foothold for prince Zeke's glory.

An epidemic will break out in the forest of Thranor. It will engulf Renever's hometown then spread across borders taking shape of a pandemic. Hundreds will fall victim to it. As the protagonist it was prince Zeke who cured the pandemic. He cured the disease thanks to the fairy queen's help. A medicine made out of fairy's magic essence, mixed with honey and herbs. That's how prince Zeke saved the world from a dangerous disaster.

Following a few years after the pandemic, another disastrous drought  will be handled by Zeke amounting to his status as an equivalent of a god. The region where the drought will occur is another thing I will have to handle.

To cut off the protagonist's halo, I will cut off the root causes before it gets a chance to sprout.

If I prevent the epidemic and the drought, Zeke's popularity will cease to alleviate higher. My main purpose was ofcourse to prevent that damn crown prince male lead's influence from growing any further. Since whenever Zeke gains more that scum male lead will gain more too.

So I must tackle the root causes of the epidemic and the drought before it begins.

The epidemic destroyed the forest of Thranor completely. It happened after Renever died. But because I read the story I know what caused it. Thanks to Zeke, I even knew the cure.

Thud. Thud.

The carriage stopped.

Both Elean and I got out of the carriage.

A small urban village greeted our view. To think that this used to be an empire's kingdom. It was really brought to ruin.

Renever's soul trembled at this sight.

Every face that looked at us, the boy knew them. All of them.

I flashed a smile at his family. "I am back."
Elean shouted, waving her hands at our people.


An elderly man came rushing towards my direction.

That man was Renever's uncle.

Behind him was a woman.

She was Renever's Nanny.

Both of them were the first people to get infected.

So my task was easy. I have to find out how they would get infected. If I can't prevent the infection then I will cure them all.

And make sure the epidemic is contained only in this region.

Of course, the root cause of it must also be eliminated.

While thinking so I was embraced by warm shoulders, one after another.

Everyone fussing about how much they were worried about me.

That they had thought Renever had died.

They weren't entirely wrong though. Renever was dead but part of his soul still remained with me.

Still I was not him.

I was not their Renever that they were sobbing over, the Renever they love was not me.

To think that he was loved to this extent, good for him.

Good for you little one. You were loved by wonderful people. I am happy. That atleast, unlike me, you have people who cherished you deeply.
That's why I will make sure Elean and these folks of yours are saved this time.

The soul of the little one trembled in gratitude.