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Once we were done he left in the same manner as he came in.

"Did he buy it?" Mril popped out of thin air before me.

I caught him within my palm.
"Yes he bought it. Even if he is still wary of me, he won't refuse my help. Furthermore, he is one ambitious viper. So, sooner or later, he will try to spread his claws elsewhere." I replied. 

"But he sure is tall for a human."

"Right. He looks like a giant."

With these little guys around there was always some sound buzzing around me. It made me feel at ease.

Now then. I should prepare to report back.

Zeke Hyndeal must also be on his way to Limkrte if my hypothesis is correct.

Aqhstala will probably chase after him.

Rhaskhiz must also arrive with his huge army at that given time. So it was time to report him.

One final thing still remained. Right before the rebellion begins, I have to give the Bohesk family an Intel about Villum.

Once this is done, the final stage will be ready.

Every chess piece that I could put to use, I will use them all.

And once the war starts both the Bohesk and Villum are on their own.

The final stage was almost ready.


There was the lingering image of that person with green hair roaming the palace hallways.

"....." His image flashing across my thoughts has put my mind in disarray.

Whenever I was inside my chamber, the Mirage of Zeke lying on it haunted me. Yet when I was outside, the shadows of that boy, Renever filled my view.

What was wrong with me?

For this reason, I would have my little sister's company once in a while.

She was older now. Old enough to be married off. However, she was a usefull pawn so I intend to keep her around for now.

"Brother, are you perhaps this restless because there is still no news from him?" Arahktla was very smart.

I frowned. Honestly, I wondered why I was being this restless.
Was if because of Zeke or Renever?

"Please rest assured. Brother, our Garnet is very reliable. I am sure he will send good news to you." She giggled as she made her move on the chess board.

That's right. He is indeed reliable. "I hope so." I replied as we continued our game.

As if fate meant it, there was indeed a message from him the next day.

I smirked reading his message.  As expected of my Garnet. He was indeed special.

"Call a meeting. Let's depart in two days."

The civil war was going to happen. And Zeke will be there too. This was like killing two birds with one stone.

As expected of my previous trusted Garnet. Renever, you are marvellous!


I have ran away.

With the help of some gullible guards, I was able to trick them and run away.

Currently I was in a run down carriage that was headed to Limkrte.

I must find Thartuye first. He can help me with my problems.

"Hng...." My body shivered recalling the memory of being raped by my lover.

I was bleeding heavily. My ass was torn severely. It still hurt even now. But what hurted more was my heartbreak that I had felt from Aqhstala's betrayal.

He....he raped me. Even though I begged and screamed in pain for him to stop, he didn't listen to me. He raped me that night over and over until I passed out due to excessive bleeding and pain.

Now, the memories of this body haunting me every night became even more unbearable and painful than before. Having went through it myself, I was in pain everytime I slept.

"Why did you do that?" Why?

This was all it took to break our relationship. This was all it took for Aqhstala to shatter it all.
As much as in pain as I was, I couldn't help cry in silence to relieve myself from this pain.

I tried to remain as composed as I was. Now, I cannot return to Qieghrt. Going to Limkrte and negotiating with the rebel faction after I find Thartuye was the only option for me.

Three days passed by. We reached the border of Limkrte.

By now Aqhstala must be on my trail.

I have to hurry.

Finding Thartuye was harsh. I searched for him for days.

That was until the sound of heavy explosions caught my attention one morning.

More explosions occured. Causing the ground to shake violently.

My eyes widened at the sight before me.


A war has broken out. The rebel faction has finally made their move.

Limkrte was drowning in mana explosions even from this distance.

I gasped in utter disbelief; My hope shattering to pieces.