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My work here was done. So I was leaving the capital.

Limkrte was done for. As for who was winning right now didn't intrest me even a bit.

I had to see it with my own eyes. The scene of the three main stars of this show meeting at the crossroad.

It took me a while to reach at the destination where the final play was playing out.

"Well well." I sneered at the scene before me.

Isn't this what people called "It takes a real beauty to cause war between powerful men."

Zeke Hyndeal. As expected of his worth. The two male leads were fighting each other right now.
Rhaskhiz with his huge army and Aqhstala with his 1st command royal guards.

If Rhaskhiz loses this time I will call him useless right at his face.

I remained in lair, watching the show begin.


Was luck against my side this day? Or was it the devil that has placed a curse on me?

It didn't take even a minute for me to be spotted by the huge Zhevyrt army approaching Limkrte.
What was worse was that Rhaskhiz was the one leading it.

Me being caught at this situation meant only death for me. Should I kill myself? I was seriously considering it this time.

However deep down I knew I wanted to live.

Rhaskhiz came closer to me. I clenched myself to brace for what was coming to me.

"It is cold. Wear this." Instead of those possesive kisses he would force on me, what he said made my soul froze.

Did I hear it wrong?

He proceeded to drap me with a warmer cloak.

"Wha... Why....?" I was extremely shocked and speechless.

Just as he was about to speak, his face distorted into an evil grin as he looked at the direction behind us.

I could feel the ground vibrating.

Another amry riding on magical beasts, an army I was so familiar with was approaching us. 

Even from this distance I could see his angered, distorted face. The same face from original zeke's memories and the same face he gave me that night when he raped me.

My body shivered, trembling in fear.



Zeke Hyndeal was captured again.

Just as predicted, he was there at the provided location of the intel.

My garnet also made sure of it, who has caused the war to trigger more vigorous than it was planned.

Really. Ah. Instead of the Zeke before me, my attention was elsewhere. That green head! What a god damn garnet he is!!

Just as he had adviced me, I treated Zeke with respect. Instead of doing what I usually do, I offered him a warm cloak to keep him away from the cold. Then I untied his hands to let him be at ease.

But who knew, a new development would come knocking on us.

That aura, i could sense even from this distance.


My lips curled in ecstasy.

What a day!! The god of luck was on my side today.

My original plan was to capture Zeke on the way to Limkrte, then take advantage of the chaos the war has caused and annex its territories.

However with Aqhstala's arrival, I had to make a change of plans.

First, kill him here and defeat his army. Then proceed as originally planned.

"ZEKE! COME TO ME!" He screamed at the top of his lung as he rode towards us.

I glanced at my pretty little captive. And to my surprise instead of the usual face that was full of love and ecstasy, what I saw was Zeke's face pale with fear, his shoulder trembling pitifully.

Heh!! The corner of my lips lifted.
Something huge happened between them.

"Zeke. Come. Don't make me mad!" Aqhstala and his amry were drawing closer.

Zeke shook his head no, refusing to step out of my back.

Well. Well. This was definitely new.

"Ready to attack." I commanded my men.

I had to take advantage of this situation.
"If you stay with us, we will protect you from him. Moreover, I won't touch you."

Zeke's lips trembled slightly as he looked back and forth between me and Aqhstala.

"ZEKE!!!" He screamed again, enraged by the view of his lover hiding behind me.

I drew my partner out of its sheath.

"Amiabah, aide me as I rip his men to pieces. And five of you, protect Lord Zeke. As for the rest of the remaining thousands of soldiers prepare to attack."
I sneered taking my stance to attack my beloved enemy.

But before leaving I didn't forget to add one last push towards him.

I glanced back at him for one last time. "That person has told me to respect you as an individual. So rest assured. I won't bite you, unlike your lover."

I smirked inside, knowingly.


Sprinting towards Aqhstala and his army, I raised my sword high and strong.
The limit stone embedded on it cracked as I enforced my own mana onto it.

It was time for me to Rampage!!