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As soon as I jumped down near our representative envoy, I scanned him from head to toe.
In the little year we haven't met the little boy had grown a lot. Back then he used to look like a child. But now, he looked....

The first thing I noticed was how slender his neck was. His face was more defined. The corner of his eyes slanted a bit like a lazy cat's. His lustrous green hair fell around his shoulder. It was shorter than before.  His unique purple eyes were looking at me. Without a hint of emotions.

I smiled.

Taking a few steps towards him, I noticed he didn't grew much in height. Nevertheless, the worth he has shown me all this time could not be ignored. That's why I was here to pick him up personally. Since, this time I must take him back to the palace so that I can throw a few questions at him.

"Renever Thranor, the imperial palace awaits you with honour." The official status I have promised him has long been prepared, waiting for his claim. When I said so he bowed his head before me.

"Thank you my king."

Even though he gave me his gratitude there was no feeling of gratefulness in his tone of speaking.

"Heh." I laughed. Noting how this little bird has fully masked his intentions before me.
"I hope you remember that you owe this king a couple of answers, hm?"

Renever looked at me. His eye lashes fluttered slightly.
"Of course my king. I remember my dues."

"...." Now, it was getting hard for me to not pretend to notice the strange beauty this boy possessed.
It was different but in an unknown way.

"Then please excuse me. I will get my stuff ready." He turned around and began walking away.

"....." I looked back at the strange layout of Ernte below. The questions I had in my mind, I pushed them aside for now.

The more I studied the boy, the more peculiar I found him.

When he was bidding farewell to the people of Ernte he had a strange smile on his face from time to time.

It was hard to make out whether he was genuine in everything he showed or spoke.

Once everything was taken care of, we were ready to depart.

"Have you ever rode one before?"

At my question he stared at my Alhi, my winged horse.

"It will be my first time."


Just as I was about to help him mount Alhi, he did the same without my aid.

"...." Suspicious. I found it extremely suspicious.

Then he looked at me. "My king, aren't you going to mount it?"

"!!" My senses were tingling bitterly.

Just you wait until we reach the palace. With this darn thought I hopped on.


We departed from the land of Ernte.

Whilst keeping an eye on this boy Renever, it was for a split moment, but I saw something even more enigmatic.

The plump lips of this boy curved into a contagious smile, his purple eyes muddled with something mysterious as he glanced back a second towards Ernte before turning his head forward, his face opposite to mine.

Well well....

What do we have here?

I must thoroughly question this boy later on. Won't even let a single thing slide by.

A/N: 17 year old Renever. Almost two years have passed since he had transmigrated. Phew. Two years huh. I guess it is time to game up the revenge plot.

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