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I checked just in case. Since it was something I couldn't just ignore.

Just as the intel said, there really was an underground tunnel beneath the palace which leaded to an underground chamber that was loaded with weapons. Mana weapons that would prove very useful in the battle to come. There was a spell cast outside the door.
I drew the insignia pattern as per the Intel's instructions.

It was an unbelievable feeling, to attain these major weapons so easily like this.

Just as I was in need for more destructive weapons for the rebellion that has been scheduled in two week, I get an Intel like this.
As suspicious as I was, I was still in dire need of it.

Thankfully the next following nights we were able to steal all of what was stored in that huge secret chamber.

Since I was disguised as a minor knight within the palace, I kept my ears sharp and open for any gossip regarding our theft. Yet two days passed by but there was still no outburst on their side.
I specially observed the king and his son, but there was no trace of anger in their attitude.

Infact both of them were smitten with the special envoy, who has helped them with some of their decades long troubles in the field of agriculture and technology.

From where I stood, I observed the Garnet of Zhevyrt. He was not much of a speaker. Sometimes he would even stop replying the father-Son duo. But he was still smooth in keeping the conversation going. Once in a while his face would lit up, bursting into a smile.

"....." That smile was something that made even someone like me a bit speechless.

That allure was something else. Another thing that had wrapped all my attention to this man was the fact that he was the man behind the Intel from last time.

Renever Thranor. The Garnet of Zhevyrt.

After thinking hard until my brain felt numb, I came to the conclusion that the only time someone could slip something into my pocket was back when I bumped into him. Or more like, he was the one who bumped into me intentionally.

My hands clenched behind my hip. No matter what, I must find a time to pay him a visit. Making sure that he is alone.

Thankfully. I snuck into his courtyard one night.

What awaited me was not something I was ready for.


My eyes were weighing heavy on me because of those nightmares.
Because of the original memories of this body flooding back to its origin, I was in a bittersweet dilemma.

When my soul had entered this body there was no previous memory of the original. But perhaps it was because I have met the original soul, that this body of mine was starting to recall what it lost.

Rape scenes. Terrible and awful rape scenes, where, my lover that I loved, mercilessly and ruthlessly violated this body beyond humanity.

While it was true that I still love Aqhstala, I was currently in a dilemma. With those nightmares I have been realising more and more details that I had ignored previously.

There was the fact that he did try to force himself on my a few times upon my arrival at this world. He did also sexually harrass me sometimes. But our relationship grew from that and it bloomed into attraction then love.
With love, you forgive the past mistakes of your lover. It's very natural to do so.

Yet the problem here was the question that whether I had the right to remain the lover of the rapist that had violated this body like a hungry animal over and over, everyday, for hours and for years.

My morals weren't allowing this. My conscience was making me hesitate, screaming at me that I did not have the right to do so.

Sometimes I wanted to make the excuse that the original soul is still here, that he had found a new body.
However, the attitude Aqhstala had given me during the past few days was beginning to terrify me a bit.

We have had a few fights because of my lack of sexual response towards his advances.

Like that day when he didn't stop even though I told him to, he repeated the same thing over a few more times.

That's why I was terrified. Of the fact that I have been turning a blind eye to it because of my love.

For now I needed a break. A really long break until I gather myself together to make a decision.

If I keep loving him, I won't ever be truly happy with these memories.
But if we split, I will still regret it.

That's why I was waiting for him right now. He was rather late.

When he was finally here, he was surprised to see me. His eyes softened.

I sighed within as I made my advance.

"I think I need a break."

The never ending silence engulfed the room.