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The question of who helped Zeke escape lingered around the palace for days. Rhaskhiz was so enraged with the guards who were on duty that night, who failed to even get wind of the person escaping from the palace.

The question of who and how remained and the ones who bore the thorns were the palace guards including those attendants who served Zeke.

Rhaskhiz was also probably angry at himself too, for being lenient when he shouldn't have.

"I should have broke his legs and chained him up in a cage." He groaned seated on the throne. Then he looked at me.
"Hah! To think that he escaped from me again. I shouldn't have been soft hearted like you had told me to."

"My king, please calm down. You will have him someday." I urged in a soft voice, a voice I made as if I had failed him.
I figured he might grew suspicious so I had already prepared something in advance. While I was helping Zeke escape Mril made a fake doll for me. As per as those in the kitchen knew, I was with them for half the night the ordeal happened.

He looked at me then sighed again.
"Catching him has never been easy." Rhaskhiz lamented, his eyebrows frowning more so than ever.

"If so, then perhaps...." I had been laying low for the last two weeks, but infact I was also in a hurry to leave elsewhere.

Rhaskhiz looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Would you like to capture your pretty little captive again in the days to come?" When I spoke his pupils fluctuated a bit.

"Chances like last time happens ever so rarely." Amiabah was the one who refuted this time. He side eyed me because I made it sound so easy.

"I have a reason for being so over confident." I replied smiling at him provocatively.

"I hope that's not just for show." Retorted Amiabah, his face frowning up a bit. He was obviously doubting whether I really had the ability to capture Zeke again.

Thinking about whether to reveal it or not, I concluded that now was not the right time.

"Well....I found this in my room." I said taking out the paper hidden inside my clothes.
"I don't know who left it there and why, but it's better if you see it for yourself."

Handing the paper to Amiabah, he passed it over to the king.

Rhaskhiz's eyes showed signs of excitement. In between thrill and wonder, he glanced at me.
"When and where did you find this?"

"It was inside my book. I don't know for how long it was there though." I replied lying through my eyes.
"What it says.......if there is any truth to what's written there then I will do my utmost to help you capture Zeke."

Rhaskhiz passed the intel to Amiabah. The later frowned when he read it.

"Brother king, we don't know the person behind this Intel, whether they are a friend or a foe. We don't know their motive either."

Rhaskhiz smirked. He looked at him, his sharp eyes radiating with an intimidating aura. "Well....what this person had told us have been true to the words. I am sure they are not our foe neither our friend. What matters is that their Infromation has always been accurate. So we can trust it on them."

"If what the intel says is true then of course we should prepare our traps." Rhaskhiz was truely obsessed with Zeke.
Even though my seduction has been working fine, his obsession hasn't flattered in the slightest. This was a good thing though because I won't have to worry about him obsessing over me in the future.
As long as I am able to influence him into taking the steps i want him to take he will surely be a decent sword to use for my revenge.
Not to mention the other target is none other than himself too.

"If Zeke will be in Limkrte, I would love to go there and tail him in the guise of a special envoy, that is if my king allows it."
Purposefully locking my eyes at the floor my lips curved intentionally.

"My garnet sure does look enthusiastic to visit Limkrte." Rhaskhiz raised his brow at me. In an instant he flew over to me. Now, his tall stature towered me.
Then he tilted my chin causing me to look up at him.
"Any special reason to give? Surely, you are not a person without any ulterior motive right?"

His flowing red hair tied into a pony tail slid over his chest. The hand pinching my chin felt cold.

I smirked looking him in the eye.
"Yeah. That was one excuse. I do have another important reason though."

"Is it what I am thinking?" He asked, his face drawing closer.

I moved my chin away from his hand. Then I took a step closer to him.
"Yes. It is." I smiled drilling into his maroon eyes.

"Revenge that is."

If excuse is what they want, I can make plenty of them. Lying someone while looking at them in the eye was the easiest way to convince them of how truthful the lie itself is.

Rhaskhiz squinted his eyes, his gaze lingered on my face.

Amiabah, who was standing behind Rhaskhiz, probably noticing the strange atmosphere between us gave us a doubtful glance.

I narrowed my eyes at him through the gap from Rhaskhiz's shoulder.


My face was steered back up towards the red haired bastard.

His ruthless eyes looked down upon me.

Then this bastard spat what I wanted to hear.
"I trust you." This was the second time he said he trusts me.

~Ah! Really good to hear that~