Chapter Twenty Five - So many questions

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"How does she know?" Kai asked

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"How does she know?" Kai asked.

"I don't know. I tried asking her, but she said there was no time to explain."

Kai fell silent after that. He bit his lip and looked down toward the floor.

"You reckon she knows about Victoria?"

"Probably. Have you spoken to her about this yet?"

"No, she said they were going to go back to HQ tomorrow morning, so I'll talk to her about it sometime tomorrow afternoon. I don't want to leave while Mum is still in the castle."

She was leaving tomorrow with Kai so he could find a new suit for his party. I declined her offer days ago; I already had enough suits that fit me. Besides, I wasn't focusing on looking good anyways.

"Okay. Well, I need to get to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night." Kai said. He began walking toward the bathroom as I mumbled a quick goodbye and left.

I took the closest elevator. I didn't want to run into my Mother or Father.

My heart sank.

What if my Father knew? Would my Mother tell him? If so, the mission was foiled. Madeline, Kai, and I would probably be thrown into the dungeons before they dragged us out and shot us in the square.

I don't think he knew though. We'd already be in the dungeons by now, wouldn't we?

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. I reached my floor and jogged to my room. I slipped inside and shut the door, making sure to lock it before I fell to the floor and covered my face with my hands.

So many questions.

All unanswered.

I struggled to get a breath in for a couple minutes as questions, thoughts, and assumptions kept popping up. Did it slip out of my mouth? No, I haven't talked to either of them in days. Did someone follow me? No, I would know. Guards are never discreet.

I tried my best to shut the theories down, and started making reasons up to show that those theories weren't true.

Once I was sure I could breathe properly again, I stood up and walked over to my closet. I changed into some more comfortable clothes and went straight to bed.

I tossed and turned. The same thoughts lingering for longer than I had hoped.

Sleep didn't come until the early morning hours.


"You sure nobody looks suspicious?" Luke asked from the front of the car

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"You sure nobody looks suspicious?" Luke asked from the front of the car.

"For the tenth time Luke, nobody looks suspicious." Elijah said breathlessly.

Addilyn laughed and turned to me and whispered, "How exactly did Luke pull Vera? The guy is a mess."

I shrugged and gave her a wry smile.

We were heading toward HQ to get more weapons and fill everyone in about Ace and what we've decided to change. I had a feeling they would flip out, which caused me to become anxious. I mean, they'd obviously have worries about Ace, but I need them to trust us on this.

I stared out the window. The greenery and houses were a blur, but it brought back some comfort. The towering Skyscrapers were now behind us. I took a deep breath as the car halted to a stop in an abandoned carpark.

"Alright, we're here."

I opened by car door and fixed my shirt. It had several tears in it and my pants were three sizes to big. We all had raggedy clothing on. In this part of Elisora, nobody looked twice if you were in shabby clothing or stumbling in an empty carpark.

"Stay close." Luke whispered. He started toward an unknown street and pulled his cap down.

We all followed him, I hunched my back and looked down at my feet. Addilyn stayed close to me, she linked her arm with mine and looked straight ahead.

We passed whores in tiny dresses staggering into clubs and bars, a man following close behind. We saw multiple drunks vomiting in alleyways or just passed out in a puddle of their own filth.

It was only eight in the morning and this place was still crawling with creeps. Many who decided to eye Luna. She was the unfortunate one who had found a ripped up mini skirt and an oversized shirt to go along with it. She was practically glued to Asher's side as we made our way down the street. A street which felt like it had no end.

We turned into an alleyway and continued down to the very end. Dumpsters lined the dead end of the narrow walkway. Luke strode up to one of them and pushed it aside. He turned back to us and jerked his head toward the small hole in the brick wall.

We all followed and didn't dare say a word. If someone caught us, all hell would break loose.

Once we were all safely inside and the dumpster had now concealed the hole, Luke walked up to the front of the group and continued down the foyer toward a thin hallway.

We went after him silently. The abandoned house we were in looked to be at least a century old. There was a crack in every wall, the wooden floors creaked if you put too much weight on it, the once white walls had turned a pale yellow, most if not all of the windows were shattered, and the furniture was scruffy.

He turned into a room – I think it was a study. He lifted up the beautiful worn out rug at the entrance and signalled for us to start going down the spiral staircase. I let everyone except Luke go first, I kept watch outside until it was my turn. I took one last glimpse around the house and then turned and headed down the staircase.


Easton was scarily silent. I had been the one to inform him about Ace and what we had found out. He had been pacing the room for a good five minutes before he stopped and began picking at his lip.

"Say something Easton." I finally said.

"Alright. The plan you've assembled works, but can you do me one favour?"

"What is it?"

"Don't kill Amelia. Leave her to me."

I was slightly caught off guard by this. What did he mean by that? Was there something going on between them? I didn't know how to respond. I opened my mouth but quickly closed it. If I said something wrong, I could jeopardize the mission. I looked around the room, my team stared at him in shock, the other Originals didn't bother to make eye contact with any of us or Easton. As of they knew something was going on...

I shook my head to clear the thoughts and replied with, "Okay. Anything else?"

"No, that'll be all. You already have what you need?"

We had already gathered all the weapons we needed earlier.


"Well then, see you soon and good luck. Travel safely."

And with that, the Originals left the room.

a/n: hope you had a great christmas :)) thank u so much for reading! 

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