Reid's Asthma

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Reid hated the physical evaluation that he had to go through at the BAU. Garcia was doing it with him, because she had to, but some of the other team members were there too; Morgan, Emily, and JJ.
Rossi was old enough to play the Arthritis card, so he didn't have to do the physical eval anymore. And Hotch was the team leader, so he could basically do anything he wanted.

"I don't think I should run the mile." Reid warned, already out of breath from the long jump they just did.

"Come on pretty boy," Morgan smiled, "If Emily can do it, you definitely can too."

"That sounds sexist." Emily said, looking over to JJ and Garcia for back up.

Morgan feebly denied it, knowing it was all in good fun.

Reid reluctantly lined up at the numbered lanes, him in lane one, JJ in lane two, and Garcia in lane three. Morgan, hypocritically, wasn't doing any of the physical evaluation.

Reid took a mid lead, eventually falling back after the first lap. Halfway through the second lap, he felt an all familiar tightness in his chest. He tried to push through it, but he only made another couple of steps before he felt he couldn't breath.
He stopped moving all together, and leaned on his knees as he took heaving breaths, his blood desperate for oxygen.

"Come on Reid!" Morgan shouted from the other side of the track, trying to encourage him into continuing the laps.

Reid tried to shout back, but his voice refused to utter. His body wouldn't waste what little oxygen it already had on speaking.
Reid began to get light headed, not being able to call for help. He fell back on his hands, a piercing pain shooting through his chest and throat.

"Are you ok?" JJ asked, coming up to him as she began her third lap.

Once she saw just how dilapidated he was, she freaked out.

"Reid?!" She shouted, dropping down to his level and trying to help. "What's going on?"

Reid couldn't talk, and his eyes were beginning to get heavy, so he tried minimal gestures to let JJ know what he needed.
He tapped his chest, and trailed up to his neck.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand." JJ was still freaking out. "Guys something's wrong!" She shouted to the three other people who weren't with them.

Morgan sprung into action, not knowing what was going on, but figuring it was important. Emily made her way there too, crossing the field in the center of the track. Garcia doing the same.

They crowed around him, blocking the sun from his eyes which he appreciated.

"Are you ok, Reid?" Morgan asked.

"In..." he uttered, beginning to cough.

"In? In your throat? Are you choking." Emily asked, leaning down to examine Reid's face; he did seem to be turning purple.

"Wait, guys." Garcia stopped them, making her way to the front of Reid. "Are you having an asthma attack?"

Reid frantically nodded, elated that someone could understand him.
"Breathe..." He tried to shout, it more coming out in a whisper. He wanted to say that he couldn't breathe, but his first words got cut off.

"An inhaler! His inhaler, go find it!" JJ shouted, assigning Emily and Morgan with the task as she stayed with Reid.

"I saw him pack it in his bag." Garcia added.

Morgan ran towards the bleachers that he saw Reid set his bag on. He rummaged through the leather book bag, eventually finding a blue capped inhaler. He sprinted back, Emily beside him.

Morgan slide to his knees and held it up to Reid's mouth so he could use it. The other man shakily reached a hand to meet Morgan's, and guided the device towards his lips. He fumbled with the cap, getting it off eventually.

As if he had been holding his breath for hours, Reid let out a gasp once the medicine had taken affect. He fell back, now laying sprawled out with his limbs extended, taking in deep breathes.

Everyone else sighed in relief once they received confirmation from Reid that he'd be fine.

"You should have just told me you had asthma." Morgan panted, still coming down from his adrenaline spike, "I could have gotten your physical eval canceled."

Reid popped his head up slightly, "You...could've done that?" He panted.

Morgan nodded, looking around at JJ, Emily, and Garcia. The two blondes looked almost ready to cry, and Emily just seemed like she'd seen a ghost.

"I hate this." Reid stated.

"I bet you'd hate it a lot less to watch us do it from the bench." JJ smiled, offering to pull him up off the ground.

Reid took the offer, getting help from Emily too as she braced his back.

They walked with him to the side of the track, and set him down, letting him sit crisscrossed on the metal bench facing out onto the track and field. JJ rubbed his shoulder reassuringly, and walked away. Emily followed JJ after giving Reid a smile, and Garcia doing the same.
Morgan though, he sat down next to Reid, who was still a little winded.

"I'm sorry." Reid sighed, his eyes squinted because of the sun.

"For what?" Morgan replied, noticing Reid discomfort.

"That I couldn't finish the physical evaluation." He clarified.

"You shouldn't be sorry for anything. It's not like you can control your own asthma." Morgan smiled. He stood up from the bench and looked down at Reid one last time. He took the sunglasses off of his own face, and pushed them behind Reid's ears. And then he walked off, assisting JJ, Emily, and Garcia in the rest of the fitness test.

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