Reid Has Trigeminal Neuralgia

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(Ngl bro, I had no motivation going into this story. I wrote it the first time and hated it, so I rewrote it and lost more motivation as I redid it. So don't be mad that it's rushed.)

Have you ever needed to get your wisdom teeth taken out, and the telling sign of them invading negatively is a sharp pain in your mouth? Imagine that, but ten times worse and all over your face.

Trigeminal neuralgia or TN, is an obstruction or pinch in the trigeminal nerve in the head near the brain stem. There are two main forms of TN. Typical (TN1) where you have sharp, intense, sporadic pain episodes usually limited to the central face and jaw, and atypical (TN2) where the pain is less severe but more constant and widespread throughout the face.
Pain can be worsened or sparked through the face when doing simple things like eating, brushing your teeth, blowing your nose, or even wind brushing against your face too hard.
TN is usually developed between the ages of 50 and 60, but can also appear in infancy or occur after facial or dental trauma.

After Spencer Reid had been beaten by an unsub, he developed the painful condition.

A man named George Pytell had gone up behind him while the team had split up to search his residence, and preceded to punch, kick, and beat Reid with his gun. Thankfully the guy didn't seem to be using his gun the way it was intended, so Reid kept his life, but just after a few days into recovery he started to notice the intense burning and stabbing pain around his eyes and nose. At first he thought it may just be healing pain, but once it became unbearable he contacted his doctor about it. They then diagnosed him with trauma induced trigeminal neuralgia type 1.

He began medication to keep it bearable, but still dealt with it in his work and personal life.

On a case in Alexandria, Kentucky,
the BAU congregated in the conference room of the precinct, and started to go back over the information they had on this case. But nothing could be done anymore. They were in the awful stage of just waiting for another victim. A pattern couldn't be found in the two girls that were killed, aside from the lightbulb, so all they could do was wait for a lead.
While they were waiting, Reid was going through a phase of random pain intervals. He was trying to move as little as possible, to not spark something, but they seemed to happen anyway.
He had taken his medication that morning, and at lunch, but he was still popping OTC pain killers every two hours to lessen the pain.
It wasn't always this bad, but every now and then a day or two worth of sporadic episodes would occur with little to no instigation.

"You doing ok?" Emily asked with a sympathetic expression.

Reid gave a thumbs up, not wanting to move his head or speak in fear it would worsen his current pain episode. The BAU could just tell how much it hurt by his expressions and facial twitches. His eyebrows trembled, his jaw was clenched, his bottom lip was chapped and bloody from bitting it.

A few seconds later a heavy sigh came from Reid, signally that his pain had subsided.
He wiped his hand down his face to clear it of sweat, and flinched when he ran his fingers over the scar on his face. The scar was the only evidence left of the attack on him years prior, and was the main source of his pain. Any touches to it would almost always spark an episode, either short or long.
The scar was about two inches long and ran across the right side of his forehead above his eyebrow. Most of the time his hair would cover it, but he recently cut it shorter.

"Are you good?" Morgan asked, reaching a hand out to help him off the ground. He was laying down on his back to try and relax.

"Yeah, yeah I am." Reid winced, taking his friends hand and gradually getting to his feet.

"That's one hell of a way to pass the time." Morgan joked, patting Reid on the back.

"Yeah. One hell of a way." Reid's face was that of exhaustion and fatigue, but hopefully his brain was still at full capacity for work.

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