Derek And Reid Sleeping On The Jet

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Spencer was laying on his side on their jet's couch. He often slept on it; really the only one who found it comfortable enough to. He usually would be clutching his bag or his jacket to his chest, but today he didn't have anything to hold on to. It made him uncomfortable and fidgety. He was tossing and turning, looking like he finally realized how intolerable that surface was to sleep on. He would be facing the cushions one minute and then on his back the next.
Everyone else on the jet was sleeping as well, albeit much more soundly. The case they were on their way home from was long and difficult, even resulting in JJ getting injured, though she was fine now. But because everyone was comfortably passed out, no one noticed that Reid was acting so restless.

Hotch was sitting in the farthest seat from Reid, one facing in his direction, but he couldn't see Hotch from where he was. Emily sat in the seat adjacent from their unit chief, and JJ was leaning against the wall and window of her seat in the middle area of the cabin; Rossi in the next row over. Morgan was seated across from Reid in the seat that faced the couch. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his head was leaned back. He chose that seat because it was closest to the bathroom and had easiest access to the bar.

Morgan had been in a state between completely asleep and awake and aware. Sometimes he could process sounds around him and the feeling of the air conditioning against his skin, but other times he fell into gaps of time with the ocasional short story played behind his eyes, mostly about Spencer Reid in someway.

Morgan subconsciously propped his foot onto the closest surface, being the couch Reid was laying on, because he wanted to stretch his knee. Soon after that motion, he was again asleep.

Reid, still tossing and turning, startled himself after he bumped into Morgan's foot while switching from his back to his right side. Without really thinking, he scooted to the edge of the couch and wrapped his arms around the shoed foot. Part of him was cringing at how dirty it probably was, but because of the darkness in the room he couldn't actually see anything on it, which helped him relax a bit.
Now having something in his arms to turn to for pressure and a varying level of warmth, he was asleep in the next few minutes.

Morgan, again waking up, was confused at the feeling of something on his foot. He focused on it enough to paint a clear picture of what was happening. Someone was holding onto his foot, which he deducted by the pressure on the laces of his boot that felt like an arm, and the platform against his sole, which was probably someone's chest. After a bit more brain racking, Derek was able to assume Reid was the one holding onto his foot.
He had noticed earlier, before he fell asleep, that Spencer didn't have an item to hold onto and he was tossing and turning a lot. Morgan figured that's why he grabbed the nearest thing to him, his foot.
He smiled, suppressing a chuckle that exited as an exhale of breathe. He stood up from his seat swiftly, pulling his foot away from Reid simultaneously. It woke the man up, slightly dazed. Eventually noticing what had happened, he rubbed his eyes as he tried to sit up.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, for his own sake and everyone else's.

Morgan put a knee on the couch, implying for Reid to move over more so he could lay down. Spencer complied, confused, mainly because he was still drowsy, but also because he didn't know why Morgan would be doing this if he was already laying on it.
He propped himself on his right side and elbow to make room for the much larger man. He was annoyed now. He was never going to get to sleep with this little of room.
Derek was on his back, his head on top of the armrest, and one leg hanging off of the edge of the couch, into the aisle.

Reid frowned, about to open his mouth and say something to Morgan about what he was doing and how it was rude. That thought was postponed however, when he felt Derek's left hand on his shoulder from behind him, and pushing him down onto his chest.
Shocked for a moment; not moving while his arms were pinned under his chest, he raised his head to look at Morgan curious as to what was going through his head right now.

"Just hold onto me. I know you can't sleep when you aren't cuddling something." Derek whispered, reaching his left hand to pet Reid's hair.

Spencer was embarrassed by the word cuddling. He doesn't cuddle things when he sleeps. He just likes to hold something to his chest. And who said that he even wanted to cuddle Morgan? He never asked for that.

Derek reached his right arm down to Reid's legs and pulled one of his to lay over his own, making the both of them more comfortable and conserving what little space they had.

"Just get comfortable. We still have like six hours of a flight to go." Morgan tried to encourage Spencer to lay into him as he still seemed tense and nervous.

Reid suppressed his urge to tell Morgan the precise amount of time they had let of the flight, that of which being six hours and thirty-four minutes. He instead asked a question.
"Will I not be too heavy laying on you?" There was an obvious amount of anxiety and self-consciousness in his voice.

Morgan's fingers messaged into Reid's scalp, sending pleasant goosebumps over his skin.

"Never." He assured, a sleepy smile on his face that Reid didn't bother to look at.

With that, Spencer slowly lowered his head to lay on Morgan's chest, his ear over his heart. Derek tried to slow his breathing, not wanting to keep Reid awake with the aggressive bouncing of his abdomen.
He progressively got more comfortable over the next few minutes, Morgan making sure not to rush him.

They ended up practically overlayed. Morgan was on his back, head against the armrest and one leg out into the aisle with his left hand in Reid's hair, and other holding his forearm that was sprawled over his stomach. Almost all of Reid's abdomen was on top of Derek's, and he had his left arm over his stomach, hanging off of the couch, while the other hand clutched the collar of his grey shirt in a fist. Their legs were simply tangled, one just rested on top of the others.

"Goodnight." Morgan smiled.

"It's four pm." Reid said quietly, not wanting to anger Morgan in anyway in fear he'd change his mind about their current arrangement, but also not being able to stop himself from adding that.

"Eh, same thing." Derek shrugged shallowly.

Reid and him laid in content silence for the next few minutes, Spencer falling back asleep first, having gotten the least amount between the two. Morgan followed soon after though, having more Reid filled dreams, thankfully not being interrupted anymore and being able enjoy the storylines his REM brain came up with.

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