Shopping At Target

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Morgan walked through the automatic doors that separated the parking lot from the inside of the big store. Reid entered behind him, slightly startled by the gust of wind coming from above them. It was an air conditioning unit that pushed air downward to prevent bugs from entering through the doors. He tucked some stringy hair behind his ear to fix what the wind disrupted.

"Do you remember what everyone wanted?" Morgan asked, glancing behind him to make sure Reid was close.

The doctor was somewhat offended by that question, but knew that Morgan didn't mean for it to be.
"Of course I do." He replied.

The two of them were sent on a snack run for the team. They had been working on a case for the last three days, and were worn out. They were tired of the vending machine food and cheap coffee, so they sent the two youngest men out to collect their desired choices. The closest Target would do just fine in supplying all of the things they wanted.

"Where to first, then?"

"The chip aisle." Reid directed, "It'd be best to get the majority of the shopping out of the way."
As they stood still, waiting for Derek to pick what direction they wanted to start walking in, Reid spoke again.
"It's cold in here." He rubbed his arm over his other, producing a quick source of friction derived heat.

Morgan just smirked, a quiet exhale substituting for a laugh. He nodded in response to Reid's accusation and grabbed a red basket from a stand by the doors, walking down the middle hallway in front of them that broke into sectioned aisles.

"Let's cut through the outdoor stuff." Morgan pointed.

Spencer nodded, finding it efficient as well.

Derek, still leading in front of Reid, walked at a steady pace past the camping equipment and outdoor furniture. But he was stopped in his tracks by the shelves of skateboards and rollerblades. There was even a few jump ropes and bikes hanging around.

"Hey Reid, look at this." Morgan laughed, placing the empty basket on the ground and reaching for a small, plastic, blue Penny board.
"I had one of these growing up." He explained, placing his right foot on it and steadily pushing off the ground with his left. "Me and my friends would ride the block with these." He just beamed.

Reid suppressed his urge to correct Morgan's grammar, and just smiled awkwardly. He was happy that Morgan was enjoying himself, but he really didn't know what to do. He didn't have anything for his hands to do, or his feet, or even his eyes to look at. So he just picked at his nails and looked at the symmetrical shelving.

Morgan eventually noticed Reid's awkwardness, and got off of the Penny board. He picked it up and walked back over to Reid.

"Here, you try." He offered, placing the cheap plastic board on the ground next to Reid's feet.

Spencer quickly declined.
"No, I'm alright. I don't know how to."

"It's fine. You just have to stand on it." Morgan urged.

Reid, after a short while of mental contemplation, nodded skeptically.
Morgan smiled and held Reid's arm as he placed a shaking foot on the board.

"Just push with your other leg and hold onto the shelves." Morgan instructed, letting the others arm go so he could reach for the metal edge of the shelving.

Reid lingered his fingers on Morgan as long as possible, scared he was going to fall without his support. He lightly placed his hand on the shelf that was closest to his shoulder height, and ever so gently pushed off the ground with his right leg.
Unsurprisingly, Reid's hand slipped from the shelf due to lack of grip and he began to fall backwards. His left foot shot from then Penny boards surface, causing the sudden pressure on his right leg hitting the ground to buckle his knee. With all of these subsequent motions, Reid landed on his back, looking up at the high, dusty ceiling of the store. His left hand was still pressed against the shelves, but not having done anything to slow his fall.
Reid was mostly dazed, and couldn't process anything other than that he fell. No pain, no fear, no humor, just the blank ceiling and surrounding shelves.

"Uh oh." Morgan sounded, having saw Reid fall, full force, to the hard tile floor.

He took a few long strides and landed next to Reid's head. He crouched down, having his head over Spencer's face, while he knelt down. Morgan shimmed his hands under Reid's shoulders, and carefully lifted him to sit up right. With a hand still left on his upper back to keep him up, he ran through Reid's hair to check for blood, bumps, or cuts. He found nothing out of the ordinary.

"Are you all right?" He asked.

"Am I all right?" Reid repeated, feeling his body up with his own eyes, checking for injury. "I think so."

"Maybe I should have held onto you a little longer." Morgan chuckled lightly, patting Reid's mid to lower back to gesture him to stand up.

"I hope no one saw that..." Reid whined to himself, holding onto Morgan's shoulder while he stood, as he was still disoriented by the fall and was scared of falling again.

"No one but me and the cameras up there." Morgan smirked, pointing above them, causing Reid's eyes to follow.

The doctors face flushed, burying his face into Morgan's shoulder, next to his still present hand. "Maybe it's fake. It's common for shopping centers and grocery stores to not bother with the cost and maintenance of surveillance, and just put up shells for show." Reid tried to reassure himself, but he didn't seem to believe it.

Morgan smiled sympathetically, feeling bad for how embarrassed and upset Reid was. He placed his hand on the back of his head and playfully soothed him, almost mocking him.
"You're alright. It's ok." He said in a mild baby voice, rubbing his hair, trying not to mess it up too much.

Even though Morgan was teasing him, Reid still enjoyed the comfort. It didn't make his face any less flushed though.

"Just don't tell the others..." he whispered.

For all the trouble he was going to put Reid through in their downtime about this, the least he could do was not add fuel to the teams jokes.


Morgan rubbed circles in between Reid's shoulder blades as a last comfort, and then took a step back to break the embrace and retrieve the shopping basket he had put on the ground earlier.

"We still need to get everyone's snacks." Morgan smiled, holding the basket up to his face to show Reid that it was still empty.

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