Reid's Dyslexia

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There are many types and forms of dyslexia; surface, double deficit, rapid naming deficit, phonological, etc.. But Spencer Reid had the phonological type of dyslexia.
That basically meant that he could read words pretty easily, but vocalizing and articulating them was challenging. His words became sticky, and he needed to think about them excessively before speaking. And even then, his speech was still slurred and slowed.
This is especially a struggle for Reid because he always has a lot to say. Sometimes he physically can't speak the words he wants to say, and he gets frustrated. The BAU is very patient with Reid when he wants to talk though, and they don't really see that much of an inconvenience in it. Every now and then they'll get impatient when they need pressing information from Reid, but they've made-do for five years already.

Despite Reid's dyslexia, which is classified as a learning disability of the reading category, he is an extraordinarily fast reader. Reading aloud is when he has trouble.

Crosswords were one of his favorite things. He could do them with ease; more ease than the average person.
His brain processed different words faster, and he could plug in certain words and letters quicker. Whenever he wanted to relax, he'd complete pages out of his crossword books.

He was doing this in the middle of a case. They had found the unsubs journals, and they had filled five notebooks up with accounts of the murders. Reid had to read through all of them, and then summarize them for the team. The BAU members could have just read it themselves, but Reid was much faster at reading than them.

As he sat in a chair with his legs to his chest, and his crossword book in his hands scribbling away, he heard his name being called from the conference room they were borrowing to work the case in. He had saw Morgan and Rossi walk into the room coming back from a crime scene.

"We found another book." Morgan called out, signally Reid to come into the room.

He stood up and folded his crosswords over his chair's armrest. He walking into the room to see the rest of the BAU around the center table discussing the case evidence.

"Do you...need me to read it?" Reid asked, sitting down crisscross on the floor by the table. He paused to considerate on his words before he spoke them aloud.

"Please." Morgan sighed.

It would only take Reid maybe ten minutes to read through it, but he'd have to tell the rest of the team his findings.

As he started to flip through the pages, he soaked in and registered the information.
The unsub never used pronouns in his writing. Not when mentioning himself or his victims, even when it made sense to. He'd use the victims name, and he'd only refer to himself as President. Not The President. Just President.
Though no pronouns were used Reid could tell it was a male unsub based on the words and adjectives used.
Besides the names, the description of the murders matched 1:1 with the evidence at the scenes. Down to even the depth and length of the wounds. This guy was either meticulous, or he stayed for a long time after the bodies were dead—probably both.

Reid rubbed his eyes after they had stared unblinking at the notebook for a at least a few minutes. He tended to zone out while reading, and it dried out his eyes.

"Are you finished?" JJ asked, noticing Reid close the notebook.

He stood up from the ground and nodded his head. The others broke from their tasks and listened in on what Reid was going to say.

"The unsub is male. He refers to...refers to himself as President." Reid squinted his eyes in concentration. "He-he has to stay...stay with the victims after...wards to know so much about their injuries. He wrote a lot of detail."

"That's useful. Was anything else important?" Hotch asked, giving positive affirmation to keep Reid spirits up, knowing he might get frustrated if he continued to stutter and pause.

"The unsub..." Reid took a long pause. He was trying to find his words after his mind paired up something from the other notebooks he read with a sentence that was from the current one.
This pause lasted almost forty seconds before Reid gave up.
"Nevermind." He said sadly, disappointed in himself for not being able to say what he wanted.

"It's alright. You can tell us later." Hotch assured.

Reid probably should have stayed in the conference room and helped with the case, but he was upset, so he walked out of the room back to the chair he left his crossword book in.
He sat down in the chair and opened the book. Over the next hour he sat unmoving, making his way through seven pages of crosswords. Then something popped into his head. It hit his brain like a ton of bricks.

He practically jumped out of his chair, not bothering to put his crossword book down, and ran to the conference room with it in hand.

"Precedent!" He said.

The BAU look up from their things at Reid's outburst.

"Not President, but precedent."

"What about it, Reid?" Rossi asked, encouraging him to explain.

"A precedent is a thing that sets the  sequencing events after itself. George Washington wanted to be called the President after the word precedent, because he was the first president of the United States."

The BAU nodded slowly, not 100% sure what Reid was getting at.

"The unsub..." and then he was stuck again. At the same words as before.

The profilers in the room gave looks of sympathy towards each other.

"The unsub is calling himself President instead of the President, because he actually means precedent. He must see himself as the precursor of serial killers. He wants people to see his killings as what everyone should model after." Reid smiled as he got his words out with not so much as a stutter.

"Thank you, Reid. That's very helpful." Hotch gave him a smile, as he could tell he was proud of himself.
"Stay with us so you can get caught up."

Reid nodded.

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