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(I didn't really know where I was going with this story, so the beginning is good, but I got lazy at the end 😌 This was also supposed to be a Hotch x Reid story, but I didn't feed into it much.)

An explosion. That's what happened. Or that's the most anyone could guess. There was no warning to the deafening sound or the bright heat. No one even moved until debris started falling left and right of their heads.

"Everyone stand back!" Hotch managed to yelled, not taking any steps from his position. It was like his feet were melted to the floor, and he scared himself for a second thinking that the heat may have done that. But in reality it was fear that kept him glued to the smoldering grass.
"I said, back!" He yelled again, actually moving this time. That prompted everyone around to follow his lead.

There was an ocean of blue uniformed officers in the street, their cars overturned and the glass in their windows blown out. They were bullet proof, not explosion proof.
In the navy blue crowd, it should've been easy to spot his team, but he couldn't see them anywhere.

"Reid?" He called, using the old hand megaphone trick. "Dave? Morgan, Prentiss?"
Hotch ran from the crowd of local officers and back towards the building that was now just a pile or burning rubble.

The heat was intense, and he thought that his shoes might actually melt to the floor this time. But he trekked onward in search for the rest of the BAU. His team was the closet to the building before the bomb went off.
Some unsub was targeting important buildings in the city, and in a place as big as Las Angeles, California there was plenty of things to blow up. This tragedy was at an elementary school. Luckily the bomb was found and the students were evacuated hours before the bomb actually detonated.

"Dave, we alright?" Hotch asked, spotting Rossi behind some dust and making his way to him.

"I don't know, Aaron." He coughed, joining with Hotch and walking them both out of the dust patch.

"Are you hurt?" Hotch rested Rossi on the curb, signally paramedics to come to them.


"Hey, take care of him." Hotch ordered, leaving them to their work and going back into the rubble.

Before he could make it back at the foot of the building, a firefighter pulled him back.

"We'll take it from here, sir." He said.

"I'm FBI, half my team is in there." Hotch stated.

"Still doesn't make you any less of a bystander. At least until this fire is out." The firefighter explained.

"Get bomb squad in there." Hotch sighed, following the orders of the first responder.

An hour later, Hotch was in the back of an ambulance, staring at the still smoldering pile of what was once a school. He was worried; worried for his team. Reid was the closest to the building when it blew, and he was physically the weakest. He had the highest chance of getting blown to pieces in an explosion like that.
By now they had found Morgan, and were in the pursuit of Emily. It's fortunate that JJ stayed back at the police station.
The dust had settled, but any drag of a foot would kick up a cloud. The shock had completely left Hotch, and he was now storming around ordering people everywhere. Rossi and Morgan were sitting in the back of a parked ambulance by the curb getting tended for their injuries.
The firefighters were trying to comply with the orders he was giving, but they couldn't keep up.

"Find him!" He shouted.

"Hotchner-" the fire captain tried to settle him, "Hotchner, look at me." Eventually he did still. "We are doing what we can, but it's been an hour already. We can't find anything, your team member-"

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