Reid Solves A Case About Hinduism And Ritual Stuff

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(This story is based off of Hinduism and India, and I just want to say that I am in no way attacking the culture or religion. Also, not everything I say about Hinduism is completely correct. I tried to do some research, but I'm not 100% any of this is right 😃.)

Reid walked into the bullpen of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. He was calm and sure of himself. The only reason being because he had done this a 100 times.
Reid loved repetition. He claimed it to be the best literary device ever created, while also being the most maddening. The perfect combination; useful and provocative. But besides the predictable events that started a day, there was always something new to dive into, this case being no exception.

The second Reid managed to open the first file on top of his consistently large stack, he heard Garcia call everyone to attention.

"We got a case." She said between enthusiasm and apathy. She was always squeamish with cadavers and gruesome crime scene, as anyone would be.

Emily and Morgan stood from their seats at their desks that were positioned around Reid's own, and made their way up the stairs to the upper deck of the offices. While they walked towards the briefing room they intersected with Hotch, coming from his private supervisory office.
Reid had sat still, almost expecting someone to grab his shoulder and walk him up those stairs. After zoning out for probably ten seconds, JJ exited her office on the upper deck and caught Reid's line of sight while he remained seated.

"Spence, come on." She waved.

"Yeah, coming." Reid blinked, and stood up from his desk. He closed the file he had opened and stacked it back with the others. He adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose to reassure himself.

Eventually entering the briefing room, Reid turned heads as he sat down. Once everyone collected their thoughts and the case information and photos were passed around, Garcia began the presentation.

"The most recent victim was June Willer. A 42-year-old white women from Lafayette, Louisiana, who worked as a nurse practitioner at Ochsner Lafayette General Hosptal." Garcia began, she smiled as she clicked through the happy images of June Willer.
"She...was killed three weeks ago; found in her home with burns all over her body and an apple in her mouth." She quickly avoided the screen after the crime scene photos came up.

"Three weeks? Why has Lafayette PD just contacted us?" Morgan asked, throwing his case file back onto the table, as he finished going through the images and notes.

"They had a large amount of physical evidence, but it abruptly went missing before they could properly test it against anyone. They called us after they had no more tangible leads." Garcia explained.

"Are we looking for a dirty cop then?" Morgan asked.

"Possibly." Hotch replied, softly folding his case file closed.

"It actually isn't that hard to steal things from evidence lock ups, especially in local police stations. 17% of material crime scene evidence gets misplaced or goes missing while any given case is being actively investigated." Reid stated, looking up at the projector and then nodding to his surrounding unit members.

"So maybe the station is just lazy?" Emily asked, shrugging and raising an eyebrow.

"But I mean, all of the physical evidence from the crime disappearing? Doesn't seem likely." JJ said, openly skeptical.

"What about the other three victims? Did all the evidence go missing from those too?" Hotch asked.

"Yes." Garcia huffed.

"The MO is strange right?" Morgan asked, "The apple and the positioning of the victim."

"They're kind of positioned like a roasted pig." Emily coined, a smile tugging on the corner of her mouth, but subsiding it when realizing it wasn't appropriate to smile at a time like this.

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