Reid Has Epilepsy

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(Btw not all epileptic seizures are jarring convulsions on the floor with foam coming out of the mouth. It's more realistic to have sudden onset seizures just be what I described in this story. And also, seizure triggers being flashing lights is actually very rare, so the trigger in this story is a better representation.
And thank @LaurenisMoss for suggesting this even though I didn't get to it for a while)

A party. Parties are fun right? Well, for most people they are. Unless you're a very introverted person. Usually you'd drink at parties, and hang out with friends and family.
Reid wasn't the biggest fan of alcohol; he didn't enjoy the taste, and he didn't like how it lowered his motor skills and ability to think straight.
But since the BAU deserved a break after this disturbing and stressful case, he joined in on the party that was being run out of Garcia's apartment.
JJ was at her home with Will and baby Henry, and Rossi was out doing something else to unwind.
Hotch made time to be there though.

"You are old enough to drink, right?" Morgan asked, slinging his arm over Reid's shoulder.

"Of course, I'm 26." He replied, obviously offended by the question.

"Then why aren't you having fun?" Morgan was already pretty tipsy. His balance was shaken, he'd had three different beers in his hands by the first hour of the party, and he was giddy and giggly.

"You mean a drink?" Reid raised an eyebrow, supporting Morgan's weight with his own body. "I don't like the taste of beer."

"Garcia can make you something special; something you'll like."

By now, Reid was intrigued. Garcia had heard her name and walked over to them. She herself was pretty intoxicated, but not much more than Morgan.

"I am a cocktail connoisseur." She smiled, leading Reid by the hand into the kitchen and away from the crowd of drinkers.
"What do you like?" She asked.

"I don't know. I don't drink." Reid said nervously.

"Ok, we'll just load you up." Garcia giggled, as she mixed various syrups and alcohols into a decently large glass. As a last touch, she sloppily topped the rainbow concoction with a lemon slice.
"Here you go, baby." She handed the glass to Reid. He took it anxiously.

Garcia left Reid to join back into the party, leaving Reid in the kitchen. He sampled his drink, and enjoyed it very much. It was really sweet, and tasted like candy, besides the hot presence of alcohol. Reid wasn't sure what Garcia had put in it to make it alcoholic, as all of her bottles were unlabeled.
Eventually he crowded in with everyone else, and drank. He had never drank so much before. He was really only doing it to blend in with everyone else.

After about another hour, Reid was about a quarters way through his glasses. Considering that the glass was big, he probably consumed roughly three shots of alcohol. Which was too much.

"You ok, Reid?" Hotch asked. He was the most sober of everyone; not even having finished a single beer.

"Yeah, just-" He was caught off guard by his own slurred speech. He steadied his voice and continued his thought. "I have never drank before."

Out of nowhere, Reid began to stumble and lose awareness of his surroundings. His face was painted with a scared expression, and he dropped his drink. He didn't have enough strength in his body to clench his fist or even stand anymore. He lowered himself abruptly to the ground, practically falling.

"Hey man, you alright?" Morgan asked, setting his beer bottle down on a coffee table, and getting down to Reid to possibly help him up.

"I-" he tried to speak, but his brain kept mixing things up. "Don't, do, doing." His words were jumbled and all connected to each other. He was breathy, like he had just finished a marathon.

"He is so out of it!" Emily laughed, being the drunkest of everyone.

"No, I don't think so." Hotch said, "He barely drank anything."
He got down to the floor by Reid like Morgan was.

Reid's hands were turning white, like the blood was draining from them.

"Guys his hands are cold. Like really cold." Morgan said, frantic. He didn't know what his cold hands could mean, but he was worried about it nonetheless.

Reid looked around like he didn't know where he was or who was around him. He had no strength in his hands or arms, but tried his best to inform the people around him on what was happening.

"Pen..." he kept his eyes from rolling back. "Pen needle."

"Pens and needles?" Morgan asked in clarification.

Reid nodded sluggishly, before he loss consciousness. This startled everyone, even the drastically drunk ones.

"He just passed out!" Garcia screamed, her emotions at an all time high because of the amount of alcohol she consumed.

Not many seconds after Reid slumped over and Hotch laid him flat, his hands started to twitch. The fingers of his right hand would curl into a claw and then got limp again. This repeated every few seconds.

"What should we do?!" Emily asked, Garcia's worry having influenced her own.

"I don't know..." Hotch swallowed nervously. What was going on? Was he just drunk? Was he in danger? Did they need to call an ambulance?
"Should we call 911?"

"I don't know!" Morgan replied, the high emotion in the room was tainting everyone. Worry, fear, sadness; it was everywhere.

But just as fast as it happened, it was over. Not more than two minutes of Reid acting weird, and he was awake and confused. His awareness was back, but his speech was still slurred.

"What just happened? Are you ok?" Hotch asked, helping Reid onto the couch.

"I think-think I had a seizure." Reid replied, looking around to everyone.

"A seizure?!" They we're all surprised, but only a few were sober enough to speak.

"Yeah, I'm epileptic." The fog began to lift from his mind, but he still didn't comprehend the amount of shock value that was carried in that confession.

"What? You never told us you had epilepsy." Morgan said, a prominent mumble in his words.

"Did you guys call an ambulance?" Reid ignored Morgan's question, partially out of his own confusion, but also because he didn't want to answer it.

"No, were we supposed to?" Hotch was still just as worried as when Reid pass out.

"No, it's a good thing you didn't. Most of the time I'm fine and won't even lose consciousness." Reid combed his fingers through his hair as he took a breath.

"What caused you to have a seizure?" Hotch seemed to be doing all the talking, as everyone else was too drunk and too emotional to really process what was happening apart from Reid's initial fainting spell.

"I think it was the alcohol. I have never drank this much before, or at all really."

"Do you need to go home? I can drive you." Hotch put the offer on the table, but honestly didn't really trust himself behind the wheel. He may not have been drunk or tipsy, but he had still drank a whole beer.

"No, I think I'll be ok. I just need to rest, maybe take a nap. I'll go in Garcia's room."
Reid made his way to the back area of the apartment, where he knew Garcia's bedroom was.

Now Hotch was just left with the task of calming down two hysterically crying, drunk women, and a stumbling idiot.

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