Reid Has Object Permanence

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(I already did an adhd oneshot, and object permanence was touched on in that story, but I wanted to do one where Reid was autistic and developed object permanence from that disorder. And I go more into detail with this story, so yk)

"Reid, get your go-bag, we have a case." Hotch ordered politely, hoping he knew where it was, and they'd all be able to leave quickly.

"A case?" He jumped up from his desk, not prepared for a case at all. "There was never a meeting." He scrambled to collect his things as he defended his messiness to his boss.

"I know, I'm sorry to spring it on you like this, but everyone else is on their way from their homes to the jet. You were here from yesterday, so you got to hear the news like this." Hotch was calm, but annoyed that he'd now have to organize Reid's scattered things before they could leave.

"Alright. Well, I know where my bag is." Reid nodded, straightening his stack of papers and then leaving Hotch at his desk to tidy up.

He came back about a minute later with his book bag crossed over his chest, and his duffle at his side.

"Great, is it packed with everything?" Hotch asked, reaching for Reid's go-bag to inspect its contents.

"Of course. I triple checked it yesterday after I wasn't sure I put enough shirts in it." Reid said, recoiling his bag from Hotch's hand.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it."

The two of them left the FBI building, and packed their things into the backseat of one of the rented black SUVs.
They were almost to the airport, when Reid felt his pockets and found something missing.

"My pens. I left my pens." He said.

"Check your bag first. They could be in there." Hotch warned, trying to keep Reid calm.
He reached his hand back into the backseat while glancing up to the road so they wouldn't crash. With some searching he managed to find Reid's book bag and brought it up to the front seat. He set it in his lap and rummaged through it, intermittently looking down into the bag and up at the road.

"Are you talking about your blue pens?" Hotch asked for clarification.

"Yes, the blue ballpoint pens that had the cobalt aluminate blue spinel ink in them. It's a blue powder produced by high temperature calcination. Cobalt aluminate is used as part of a primary slurry to improve the surface grain of investment casting's, particularly for superalloys. A cobalt aluminate composition that has been prepared at temperatures above 1350°C to ensure thermal stability." Reid ranted on about his pens, thinking all the j formation he gave was essential to identifying them. He held them dear to him, as they were a gift; from Hotch ironically.

Reid had just joined the team, and it was his first office day. All Hotch had known about him was that he was forgetful but gifted. He thought a little gesture would help him integrate better into the office space and the BAU team. It was a nice three-pack of pens. The whole item was maybe fifteen dollars from a supply store, but, for some reason, Reid held the gift so very close to him. He never went anywhere without them, and only wrote with those pens. Everyone on the BAU dreaded to see the day that those pens ran out of ink.
Though three years later, and only one had gone empty. Reid still carried it around with the other two, insisting that he didn't want to throw it away because three was better than two. He said that odd numbers were better because you could split it in half and have the same amount on the sides with one still in the center.
It was weird; how Reid's brain worked.

"They're right here." Hotch smiled, pulling out the three pens from the book bag as he glanced back up at the road. He extended his hand to give them back to Reid.

He took them hurriedly, happy to be reunited with his pens.
"I'll never lose them." He said, holding them close to his face to observe them.

"Huh?" Hotch questioned, tossing Reid's book bag by his feet at the passenger seat.

"I may forget where I put things, but I'll never forget where I put these." Reid put all three pens in his shirt's breast pocket, clipping them to the edge with the pen clip.

Ignoring the fact that he did just lose them, Hotch found that sweet.
"What will you do when they run out, or you lose them for good?" He asked, curious.
Everyone on the BAU had wondered what would happen. It probably wouldn't be good. Reid cherished those pens so much, that if they were broken, used up, lost; he'd definitely meltdown but it was just a question of how badly.

"When the ink is gone in all three, then you'll get me the same ones, and I'll love those just as much." Reid said, writing with one of the pens on the back of his hand.

"They have to be the same pens?" Hotch smirked, taking a quick glance at Reid then turning back to the road.

"They have to be." He replied, a serious expression and tone evident.

"Yessir." Hotch chuckled, a little
surprised by Reid's demeanor. "I'll get you the same ones when those run out."

When they got to the airport, they parked up on the runway to have faster access to the jet. They were running late and needed to be quick. They hurriedly got out of the car and  closed their doors.
Reid began to walk away towards the jet.

"Your bags, Reid." Hotch reminded, drawing him back to the car and into the backseat to retrieve them.

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