Party Games

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The members of the BAU were enjoying some much earned down time, and they decided to spend it with each other.
Garcia was hosting a party-like get together with food and alcohol. The drinks were a crowd pleaser, and it struck up some enjoyable courage throughout the group.
A movie was playing on the living room tv, but no one was paying attention to it apart from Reid. Hotch sat next to him but was talking with the people around them, a beer in his hand. He draped his arm over the couch, it disappearing behind Reid.
Morgan was dancing with Garcia in the vicinity to the music that was meant to drown out the tv.
Emily and JJ were sitting on Hotch's right talking with their unit chief and the people around them.

Eventually Garcia got bored of dancing, and sat on the edge of her coffee table with a huff of exhaustion. Morgan just chuckled as a response and sat down on the armrest area of the couch, his feet still touching the ground.

"Wanna play a game?" Emily asked, a slight mischievous grin on her face, but she covered it with a sip from her drink.

"What game?" Garcia replied with another question, not wanting to agree until she knew she wouldn't have to potentially do anything strenuous.

"I used to play it in college." Emily began, scooting to the edge of the couch to gain everyone's attention.
Hotch raised his resting hand from the back of the couch and tapped the side of Reid's head. When the man turned to him in curiosity, he nodded his head towards Emily signally that she was saying something important.
"You blindfold someone, and then you pick someone to stand in front of them." Emily gestured to everyone saying that the six of them were their options. "The blindfolded person has to use their senses to try and figure out who the other person is."

A few of them laughed to themselves at the explanation of the absurd game, but no one protested the idea.

"So who wants to go first?" JJ asked, opting herself out by asking the question.

"I do." Morgan smiled, standing up from his perch on the couch.

Emily scavenged around for a moment, with the help of JJ and Garcia, for something that could be used as a blindfold.
Garcia managed to locate a sleeping mask that she must've left on her couch earlier that week.
She stood up fully and pulled the blindfold over Morgan's eyes as sensually as possible.

"This has been a fantasy of yours hasn't it baby girl?" Morgan asked rhetorically, instinctively placing his hands casually on Garcia's hips as a response to the darkness the sleeping mask created.

"Now stand there while we pick someone." Garcia smiled, knowing Morgan couldn't see it, and huddled over to the other BAU members on the couch. The latter was left standing aimlessly in the middle of the living room, straining his ears to try and hear any information that might give away who the selected individual was.

"Let's not say their name so Morgan doesn't know who they are." Emily said, saying it like it was common sense, but wanting everyone to be aware. "And whoever is getting felt up can't speak or else you'll give away who you are."

Hotch made a slight cringed face when he heard the term "felt up" being used as a descriptor of the game. He didn't want to participate now, and he didn't want Reid to either.
He looked over to the man curled up in a ball leaning his back into his shoulder. Reid had his legs against his chest tightly, and his arms wrapped around them to keep any slack from his limbs. He wanted to make enough room for everyone else to sit.

"Is everyone playing?" Hotch asked, his expert profiling skills keeping the reluctance hidden behind his voice.

He watched as Reid nodded in consensus with everyone else. It seemed talking was now exiled.

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