Reid is Diabetic

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(It's pretty short but I think it's ok 👌
Btw I apologize if any information regarding diabetes is incorrect. I had to do some last minute research (: )

The BAU had been working on a time sensitive case. That's how all kidnappings were. There was the 24 hour ideal window, but considering the age of the victim, and the videos the family and police were receiving, it was safe to say the kidnapped girl was still alive even after three days. Now they just had to find her.

They had dug up a lot, but not enough to warrant zero sleep for the last 48 hours. Everyone was running on caffeine and their own willpower. The profilers hadn't eaten, slept, taken a break, or even left the precinct.
It seemed to pay off though.
After 82 hours of Michelle Crow being missing, the BAU had figured out who the unsub was, and had a pretty good idea of where she was.

It was all hands on deck, despite everyone's fatigue, so even Reid and pregnant JJ came along for the takedown and rescue.

It ended decently well. The unsub was shot dead, and Michelle was also shot, but she was going to live.

The officers and the BAU filed back into the precinct and began cleaning up. The hundred cops that had lived there the past two and a half days left quite the mess, not to mention the BAU's case setup in their conference room.
Another hour later, and the paper and maps were taken down and thrown away.

"I am so tired." JJ whined, stretching her back out, expressing her baby bump.

"I think we should get a nights sleep before we leave." Morgan offered, turning towards Hotch for his opinion.

"That sounds like a good idea." He agreed.

They looked towards Reid who was still sitting at the table in the center of the room. His head was propped on his hand which was balanced on the edge of the table. He seemed to be falling asleep right there.

"You ok, Reid?" Morgan chuckled.

"Yeah...just tired. Really tired." He replied, sitting up from his chair with shaky legs.

"You're looking a bit sickly." JJ said with a concerned voice.

"I'm fine." Reid took a few steps to join the group everyone else was in, when he fell forward and passed out.

"What the hell?!" Morgan grunted as Reid fell right into him. He lowered with the momentum and ended up on the floor with him.

"Reid?!" They all asked in concern. It obviously wasn't normal to just faint.

"Wait, have you seen him eat anything on this case?" Rossi asked, getting everyone's attention.

"No. I don't think he even changed out his patch." Hotch added. He pulled down Reid's collar to expose his upper shoulder, and the suspicion was confirmed.

Over the last two and a half days he wasn't sleeping, eating, checking his blood sugar, taking insulin shots, or keeping tabs on his insulin patch. He was now in a diabetic coma. This could result in his death if he wasn't treated immediately.

"He needs medical attention. Right now!" Hotch rushed, raising his voice to snap his team out of their worry.

The BAU members scrambled around to alert the officers in the precinct, call an ambulance, and keep a check on Reid's vitals.

"Can we just give him insulin now? Shouldn't that help?" JJ asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"I don't know." Hotch answered honestly, "I don't know much about it. But Reid said if he ever went into diabetic shock then to immediately call for medical."

"Reid didn't say that, Gideon did." JJ chuckled weakly, almost crying at this point.

Hotch and JJ were seated by Reid on the ground while everyone else hustled to get everything situated.

The sirens of an ambulance could be heard faintly, so Reid's chances at this point were pretty good.

Hotch held his hand in front of Reid's nose to check if he was still breathing, and he was worried by the faintness of the exhale. Just then though, two paramedics entered the room with a stretcher and other equipment.

Reid was going to be fine.

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