Reid's Recruitment To The BAU

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(Technically an AU. Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, Emily, JJ, and Garcia are already on the team before Reid gets there. Alvez is also here because I wanted him to be.)

The BAU was as hectic as it could be without actively trying to solve a case. Struass had temporarily benched the unit for being a man down after Elle's resignation following her incident with a rapist case. They had plenty of people to continue their work load, but Elle's actions had left an impression that Struass did not like. She wanted the team to find a new recruit soon, and they'd be kept on desk duty until they found one.
The team had sat down and discussed what they wanted and expected out of their new recruit, and traded shifts in scouting people. Rossi had the idea to attend a lecture at the FBI academy, so that's what he did while the other BAU members stayed back at the bureau.

Rossi entered the doors to the lecture hall, trying not to interrupt. He took a mental note of the amount of people in the room, about fifty.
The agent made his way up the side of the auditorium and to the stage the professor was lecturing upon.

"Sorry I didn't mean to intrude." Rossi said, reaching his hand to shake the professors.

"No, it's alright Dave." The teacher smiled, reciprocating the gesture. "What made you attend todays class?"

"I'm actually scouting for a new member on the BAU." Rossi smiled, saying it loud enough to where the rest of the class could hear him.

"That's great." The teacher smiled, "You can observe if you'd like, but after the class is over I'd like to recommend some people."

"Of course." Rossi nodded as he took a seat in a chair on the edge of the stage.

The professor continued his lecture as if a renowned crime author and FBI agent wasn't sitting next to him. He had to redirect the class a few times because they were so desperate for the man's attention.
Rossi, half way through, knew this wasn't going to work. All of these students were either too young or too ignorant. He decided to sit through the rest of the lecture anyway, curious as to who the recommended students were going to be.

The class was over within the next two hours, and Rossi awkwardly shook some of the students hands as they left.
He walked up to his friend, verbally expressing his rooted curiosity.

"Who are these recommended students of yours?"

"Well, it's really just one student, and he wasn't present during todays lecture." The professor stated.

"Hm? Why?" Rossi asked. He didn't want to recruit an student who was irresponsible.

"He misses every other day, with my permission." The professor clarified. "He's enrolled at MIT finishing up some Ph.D's." He knew Rossi would be impressed by that.

He raised an eyebrow, "More than one? What are they in?"

"Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering." The teacher smiled, "I think he finished some seperate bachelors degrees too, but I'm not sure."

"How old is he?"


"Jesus..." Rossi was incredibly impressed with this kid already, just by his academic record.

"He has some other impressive skills, but you'd have to ask him about all that." The professor shrugged.

"How do you think this kid would work in the field?" Rossi asked, trying to think of some other important details to know.

"That's where he kind of stops." The teacher smiled pathetically. "If you're asking about his firearm skills, he's great at that- says he calculates the whole thing- but he's pretty scrawny."

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