Casual Kind Of Love

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(Kinda short :/)

Love, by dictionary definition, is an intense feeling of deep affection. But the action of loving someone is much more complicated than it's simple definition. Given specific context, the meaning can again change. You'd say you love your parents, but wouldn't you say it's different from a lover? Or when considering your pets; you love them, but would never compare them to the adoration of your partner.
Love is an illogical thing that can't necessarily be explained by anyone in words, or even actions.

Reid had a hard time with this when he first thought of the concept of love. He didn't like when he didn't know things or couldn't give an answer. Sure there was chemical explanations for the feeling of love, but Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin are different than love. Those biochemicals only explain why we feel like that way when we see someone we like, not why we like them.

Reid had built his morals and interests on his knowledge, so when a problem was put in front of him that he wasn't familiar with, it stumped him.

He first considered his feelings for Morgan after a year or so of working with him. He liked the praise he would give him, but also how he didn't hold him to a higher standard or put him on a pedestal just because he was a genius. Believe it or not, Reid didn't like being treated as if he was better than people. And Morgan really humbled him, while also being sympathetic and charming.
He confused his feelings for dependency, and tried to put some space between him and Morgan, but he couldn't do that for long. Morgan caught on to Reid's avoidance and confronted him.
In a confusing and sporadic way, Reid confessed his feelings, or more how he felt around Morgan. He didn't even consider that his feelings were love, a crush even, so he was more than surprised when Morgan just smiled and kissed him. It was weird but not unpleasant. Reid wasn't even aware he enjoyed it, or even wanted it, but he didn't want to stop.

This drama like confession, was the start of a relationship that confused a lot of people.
Reid and Morgan loved each other, that was a fact, but at work and at home they were very casual. A pat on the head and hug were really all anyone got to see of their skinship.
At first work colleagues were not surprised to see a somewhat suppressed atmosphere around the two lovers, as it wasn't uncommon to feel insecure in the workplace or just want to have your love life private. But as the BAU got more and more detail out of their life, their relationship honestly didn't seem to have changed. They still acted the same, talked the same, looked the same. Nothing they did could be associated to a romantic relationship.

When confronted with these observations and concerned theories, the two men had only one thing to say.
They were all right.
Nothing had changed between them. They liked how they were before, and a reciprocated feeling of affection wasn't anything new. Sure it was dramatic when it was said, but in reality, neither of them thought anything was different. The love was always there, and expressed within boundary, now there just wasn't a boundary. Without that wall of judgment and insecurity, it was just reflecting love.
Morgan and Reid liked how they interacted before. And yes they do kiss, and do all of the other romantic things such as dates, but they don't need to do that all the time.

The love they feel for one another is mutual and accepted. Reid won't even blush when he gets a kiss from Morgan, because he sees nothing to be embarrassed about.

Love is complicated, but theirs isn't.

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