A Morning

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(I think this one is really cute, and it only took me two hours to write 🙈 I put a little sprinkle of autistic Spencer in there for you btw)

It was a warm morning, 25°C to be exact. The spring in Quantico Virginia was very pleasant and generally not humid.
Derek and Spencer were enjoying a pleasant day-off in their home. Well, Derek was, but Spencer had a routine he followed even if he didn't have to go to work.

Derek had initially woken up to Spencer getting out of bed at around six am, but he went back to sleep knowing they didn't have work. He wasn't going to try and keep Spencer in bed either, because he knew that he just preferred to wake up early.
Even if that was just how Spencer operated, how could he be fully energized at six am after the night they had?

After yesterdays case, which was local, the whole team went out to a hibachi restaurant as a victory meal for a job well done.
A few team members hadn't ever eaten hibachi styled food before, so it was just a fun experience all together. A few people got drunk at the bar, e.g. Morgan, Garcia, and Emily, so after they were kicked out everyone followed after them. So because of that eventful night, no one got home until at least one am.

But yet, Spencer Reid still woke up at his usual time, and did his usual morning routine. He was diligent like that.

Spencer woke up at six am, careful to not wake his hungover partner, and took a shower. He actually only took cold showers, saying that he didn't like the steam and that he got red heat patches on his skin whenever the water was hot. But if anything would wake him up faster than a cup of coffee, it'd be a cold shower.
And speaking of coffee, once he was dried and changed into his day clothes, he left the house to get his caffeine fix at the cafe down the road; he walked there.

The sun was just rising, and everything was orange. Sunrises were Reid's favorite things about mornings.

But as he admired it, he traveled the ten blocks to the dainty cafe, and ordered his usual. Him and Morgan had been living at their current house for about two years, so the baristas were familiar with the both of them.

In the ten years Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid had been working together at the BAU, seven of those years were mixed with love and admiration.
Two years ago, Derek asked Spencer to move in with him at a property he recently renovated just for them. It had plenty of shelves for his books, and also insulated walls to block out any downtown traffic; solving the only issue Spencer had with living with him in the first place.
Derek had thought of everything to make him comfortable in their new home, and now Spencer couldn't be happier.
He especially enjoyed the easy access to good coffee.

"The usual, Spencer?" A barista name Maddie asked him, already writing his name on a cup. She had short black hair with dyed pink streaks in it, and a nose piercing. All Spencer knew about her was her birthday and that she had been working at this coffee shop for longer than he'd lived here.

He nodded, jumping when he thought of something extra to add to his order.
"Also, can I have a small black coffee?"

"Sure." Maddie confusingly picked up another cup and wrote Spencer's name on it. "You usually don't take your beans without sugar. Who's this for?"

He always found it funny how Maddie always said beans instead of coffee. She technically wasn't wrong, but it was still an uncommon thing to say.

"It's for Derek. We went out last night with some friends, and he has a hangover now." Reid smiled as he remembered the events from last night. He didn't drink a drop of alcohol, so his memory wasn't altered at all.

"Dang, I'll make it extra song for 'em." She said, taking the cups and making the orders with the machines and ingredients present behind the counter.

Once she finished making them, she pressed lids onto the cups, and slid on cup sleeves.

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