Reid Gets Dialysis Treatment

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(I had a lot of fun researching dialysis and kidney related diseases. It's always cool to learn things more in depth)

Every Wednesday, Reid left work a few hours early. If the BAU was on a case out of state, he'd still leave for awhile.
Towards the end of the week he'd get tired and sickly looking, and then not come to work at all on Sundays.

That's just how it was. Hotch and Gideon let him leave with no consequences. It annoyed the other BAU members that Reid was getting special treatment, while when they were late by twenty minutes, they'd get reprimanded.

Reid had been part of the team for just about a month, and though his knowledge and skills were impressive, he was still a newbie and not as experienced as the other members who had been there longer.

"Reid, where're you going?" Morgan called out as he saw him was walking towards the elevator.

Reid was startled by the question, and couldn't articulate a proper response. He had wanted to keep his private life a secret, or at the least, separate from his work life.
"I always leave at this time. Why are you asking? Is something wrong?"

"No, but it's annoying how you get to leave early and miss days when everyone else is stuck on fifteen hour shifts." Morgan stated his piece, hoping an explanation would come soon.

"Well, I..." Reid was silent. He couldn't assure his coworker without exposing himself, and he didn't want to do that. "Hotch and Gideon both support my absences. I'm not going anything I'm not supposed to."

"Sure, but it's unfair. What gives you the right to special treatment?"

"Gideon already had to bend over backwards to get me this job, so I won't have my coworkers submitting complaints and jeopardizing both our careers." Reid said under his breath. Morgan was a ways away from him on the upper deck of the bullpen, so he didn't hear him.
He sighed as he gave in, "Alright, meet me in Hotch's office, and we'll talk."

The two men made their way to their boss's office a few feet from the conference room. Morgan was closer, so he got to their destination much faster, but waited in the hallway for Reid.
They then entered with a knock, waiting for Hotch's assurance to come in. Reid led the two of them inside.

"Reid what are you still doing here, you'll be late-" Hotch began, stopping when he saw Morgan track in behind him. He knew about Reid's wishes to keep his condition a secret, so he silenced himself before the truth could be told.
Hotch was confused by the presence of both Morgan and Reid together. Though it had only been a short time, it was obvious to everyone that Morgan was jealous and standoffish to Reid. He didn't take the biggest liking to him, and inadvertently never hung around him outside of work purposes.

"Can I help the two of you?" He asked.

"Can agent Morgan accompany me to my...after work activities?" Reid wasn't sure how to word it without exposing it completely. He wanted Morgan to experience the misplacement of his jealousy in this situation.
Though Reid left early on Wednesday's and didn't come to work on Sunday's, he dreaded not coming in. When he was at work he was doing the things he loved.
It was exhausting to have to schedule hospital visits in other states during a case, and he felt sick five days of the week.

Hotch looked between Reid and Morgan a few times to try and evaluate the situation. He eventually got what Reid was trying to prove.
Again, it was no secret that Morgan was jealous of Reid's work schedule, and probably other things. Especially when you're an experienced profiler, and can read anyone like an open book.

"I see no problem with that." Hotch had a warm tone towards Reid, something not common for him. "But don't expect this to be a normal occurrence." He hardened his look and directed it at Morgan.

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