Non-binary Reid

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(Just saying, I'm not an expert on the non-binary community, so please don't get offended by any mistakes I may make.)

Spencer Reid was biologically born a male, but that wasn't what they were most comfortable as. To put it simply, they didn't feel like a boy or a girl.
They accommodated their presentation to be a mix of both male and female. Their hair was shoulder length but the style was natural. It complementing their masculine face well. They dressed modestly, mostly in professional clothes, but their colors varied from pinks and purples, to blues and blacks. Their favorite styles and colors to wear though, we're greens and browns with knitted vests. They liked the earthy tones of green and brown, and the homey feeling of knitted vests and sweaters.

When first joining the BAU, Reid was very nervous. Of course they had preferred pronouns, but they didn't want to inconvenience anyone for the sake of their own comfort. Hopefully the BAU didn't mind to call them by neutral pronouns. But if they didn't, Reid probably wouldn't correct them anyway.

Entering the office area from the elevator into where the BAU called home, was nerve racking. Reid still didn't know how to tell them or how they'd take it. Would they be angry about it? Would they understand? Would they refuse to let them on the team?

They actually were recruited on Gideon's recommendation, and he was already comfortable with Reid's gender and pronouns. He sometimes got it wrong, or fumbled it, but at least he bothered to try. That's what really counted, in Reid's eyes anyway.

They quickly dodged the surrounding people who were confused as to what they were doing there.
Eventually, Reid made it to the office number that Gideon was held up in.

"Hey there, Reid." He welcomed, standing up from his desk and making his way over to them.

Reid smiled weakly. They were happy to see Gideon, but nervousness got the better of them.

"The team has been excited to see who their new recruit was. Are you excited?" Gideon asked, walking the both of them out of his office, and towards the conference room where the whole team was gathered.

"I'm really nervous." Reid confessed.

"Don't be. You have so much to offer this team, and we'll go farther with you in it." Gideon tried to encourage.

"It's not about that..."

"Oh, don't be nervous about that either. Everyone is very open to that kind of thing."

Reid nodded hesitantly. If Gideon said it, it must be true. 

They both entered the conference room to be met with the behavior analysis team.
They all stood from their seats to welcome the two people who had entered the room, one of which they didn't recognize and were excited by that.

"This is Doctor Spencer Reid, our new expert in..." Gideon paused for a moment to think of Reid's formal title. "Our expert in everything."

The others were confused by the title, but turned their attention to the recruit. They all began to walk up to Reid, crowding around to introduce themselves.
Morgan was first to speak.

"I'm Derek Morgan." He said, reaching out his hand and expecting a shake.

Instead, Reid just nodded awkwardly and coward closer to Gideon.

He was quick to get Reid comfortable and explained the issue before anyone could get a negative idea of the new agent.

"They don't like touching people." Gideon said, giving an expression that basically conveyed to everyone else to not take Reid's actions personally.

They all understood, but were caught off guard by the pronoun used. It would have made much more sense to use he or she, but they was used in the place of a pronoun. The BAU members weren't used to that; they had never heard of that before.

"You need to get with the times, and drop your medieval grammar." JJ chuckled, warranting a laugh from everyone else who had noticed the way Gideon addressed Reid. Everyone found it funny, everyone besides the two who were the center of the joke.

"I don't talk weird." Gideon said sternly, making it more about Reid than the comment at himself. "Reid's pronouns are they/them."

They couldn't lie, it was probably the most embarrassing moment of their life when Gideon outed them, even though Reid was expecting it. They both had discussed it prior on how to tell the team, and Reid decided it'd be best for Gideon to do it, because they'd be too nervous.
Even though they knew Gideon was going to out them, Reid was still petrified. Their cheeks burned uncontrollably by the heat of their embarrassment.

After some deafening silence, someone spoke.

"I don't mind, but it might take some getting used to." Hotch said, setting a good example for everyone else.

Morgan nodded in agreement, "If you want me to do that, I don't mind either."

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I didn't know." JJ apologized, obvious remorse in her voice.

"It's alright, you couldn't have known." Reid was still a little embarrassed, but they could muster up some reassuring words.

Out of nowhere, a short girl in heels hustled into the conference room.

"Please tell me I didn't miss the
recruits-" she cut herself off when she saw the new person standing in the room, and went into a frenzy.

"My name is Penelope Garcia and I'm the technical analyst! Ah, you're so cute!" She cooed, frantically shaking Reid's hands in her own.

They were uncomfortable with this random women touching them, but for some reason, they didn't care all that much. She was overwhelming but fun, and Reid could appreciate that.
They managed a smile, and tried to reflect Garcia's energy, but falling a little short.

"Isn't he so cute?" Garcia asked rhetorically to the BAU members.

They all looked at her with a pathetic expression. They wanted to correct her, but they weren't familiar with this side of pronouns, so they didn't know what to do.

Reid frowned slightly, but understood that Garcia didn't know. Somehow, they felt that they could trust her. She seemed accepting.

"I'm not a boy." They said simply, hoping he wouldn't have to explain much further.

Garcia turned to him with a surprise look.

"I'm so sorry, baby." She whined, upset at herself that she wasn't more considerate.
"I will never get that wrong again." She said sternly, putting her hands on Reid's shoulders.

They nodded shyly, hoping that Garcia actually understood why they was trying to say, because they knew what they said was vague.

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