Broken Bone

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(It started off pretty good, but the ending got kinda rushed)

Reid usually wasn't ever in the front lines of takedowns, but today was a special occasion. You see, Spencer Reid was a phenomenal negotiator and inveigler. This particular unsub profiled as
self-destructive and potentially suicidal, so the BAU opted for Reid to be upfront to have a one-on-one with the unsub to maybe get them to surrender peacefully.

"Reid, you're up." Morgan nodded, signally for him to go around the corner and face the unsub.

Of course something like this was extremely dangerous and reckless, but Reid agreed to it without debate, and was willing to be in the line of fire.

"Mark!" He said, purposely sounding scared to humanize himself to the unsub. "Can I call you Mark? Or do you want me to call you Mr. Smith?" Reid had his hands up to make it obvious he was unarmed.

"King Mark will do!" The unsub said manically.
They had also profiled him as deranged, but they didn't know it was a medieval themed psychotic break.

"Of course, your majesty." Reid bowed shallowly.

"State your name and purpose!" Mark said, still shouting but much calmer now that someone was using his proper title.

"I am Tristam, and I have come to escort the Irish princess." Reid bowed again.
If this unsub was playing as King Mark than he may be affiliated with the story as well. So Reid played into the mythical tale.

Morgan, Hotch, and the SWAT team that were still behind the corner, had no idea what game Reid was playing, but they hoped it would work.

"You've finally arrived, Tristam." Mark Smith sighed, now much calmer.

"I apologize, your majesty. But I am here now, and wish to fulfill my duties of delivering your beautiful daughter to my uncle." Reid went so far as to kneel down. He had been steadily walking closer and closer to the unsub, so he was just a few feet from him.

"Yes. I will fetch her and speak my farewells." Mark almost began to cry, like he was actually a proud father of a soon to be married daughter.

He left the main room they were in, and came back seconds later with a gagged and crying women, but she had been dressed in period clothing. Even she was all part of the fantasy.
Her name was Angelina Montoya, and she had gone missing in broad daylight 32 hours before.

She began to cry more as she saw Reid. He may have been playing Tristam right now, but he was still wearing a bulletproof vest labeled FBI.

"Farewell, my daughter. Let your life prosper in the hands of your new husband." Mark Smith kissed Angelina's hand softly, and let go of her entirely. Sort of like a send off.

She ran straight towards Reid and into his arms. She clung to him like she'd die if she didn't.

"My uncle shall send you a letter in regards of the wedding, your majesty." Reid bowed a last time, and started to walk out of the room, a crying women at his side.
But as he walked away, the unsub spotted the gun holster on his belt. Reid had slid it around to the back so he wouldn't get spooked by it, but that obviously didn't work.

"You are a rebel! An imposter!" Mark Smith ran at him. He had no visible weapons, but he was a tall and muscular man. He'd be able to get some damage done on his own.

"Run!" Reid ordered to Angelina, pushing her forward ahead of him just before he got tackled to the ground by the unsub.

She followed the command, and ran ahead to be met with more FBI and a SWAT team.

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