Reid's Clothes

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(This is pretty short, and kinda rushed •_•)

"This isn't the right size." Reid itched at the straps over his shoulders.

"It's supposed to be tight, Reid." Garcia chuckled. She fixed the edges of the vest that Reid had messed up.

"Are you sure this is necessary? Aaron never cared about the way I dressed on dates. He always said he liked my clothes." Reid began to panic slightly. He wanted this tight vest off, and burned in a fire. He couldn't feel the way he wanted with this on.

"Hotch will love it." Garcia insisted, walking away from Reid and the mirror he stood in front of to collect other clothing items.

Reid looked at himself in the mirror, an obvious cringe on his face. He didn't like that he seemed even skinnier with this tight vest. It was white and gold, he hated those colors. He didn't like anything about this. Garcia was wrong about what Hotch wanted. He knew what he liked, and no one else did. Hotch never told anyone else.

"Penelope!" Reid called, scratching at every edge of the vest around him. "Take it off!"

Garcia hurried over, confused as to what the problem was.
"What's wrong? Is it too tight?" She asked, hurrying to try and help.

Tears welded up in Reid's eyes.
"Take it off!"

"I will, just hold still." Garcia evened out her voice, knowing her worry would rub off on him.

The vest was off, but Reid still didn't feel right. His skin was slightly numbed while the blood rushed back to the area. His skin was disturbed, and he wanted it to be fixed.

"I'm sorry I put you in that." Garcia petted Reid's hair.

"It's ok." His voice shook, but he tried to calm himself down with deep breaths. "I want Aaron."

"He's around here somewhere, I'm sure he heard you." Garcia assured, not helping actually.

Reid became embarrassed. His face blushed red and he let out a string of whines.
"Was I loud? I must've been." Reid slid to the floor.

Garcia sat with him, waiting for Hotch to find them. He was supposed to meet back up with them after thirty minutes, so he should be on his way.

A few moments later, and Hotch walked up to them on the floor, assuming something made Reid upset.

"Are you ok?" He asked, pulling him up from the ground.

Reid nodded silently before speaking, "Penelope said that you would like for me to wear something different, but I didn't like it." He explained.

"Oh, that's ok. I don't care what you wear." Hotch rubbed Reid's back slowly.

He made eye contact with Garcia, as an apology. She knew she didn't do anything wrong, but she still felt bad for upsetting him.

"Do you want to go home?" Hotch asked.

Reid nodded, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Go with Garcia, and I'll meet you outside the store." Hotch led Reid to Garcia's arms and waited for them to be out of sight before he began to clean up.

There wasn't much of a mess, but some clothes were laying around. He picked up a white and gold vest that looked very small. This must have been what made Reid uncomfortable.
It was a nice vest, and Reid liked vests and waistcoats, but the fabric was too smooth; he usually wore yarn-type fabrics like a cardigan. And the colors were too bright. White was too reflective, and the gold trim was shiny. Reid didn't like it when things glared light.
Everything about this was wrong, and not what he was used to. It was no surprise to Hotch that he had gotten upset.

The vest was nice, but not Reid's style; it didn't really give off the same comforting feeling as one of Reid's normal vests.
It was nice, but not Reid, so Hotch didn't like it.

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