Author's Note

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Hello, everyone! 

This is NOT a chapter, I'm sorry. 

This is just a reminder, so please read it patiently and try to understand what I'm getting on this. 

So, here it is. When I started this fanfiction, I never knew people would like it. I'm very thankful for that. Of course, if you would go back to the previous chapters (a.k.a chapters 1-5) you would see that it is merely "similar" to the anime, however, you would think that the only difference is Sasuke's personality. 

Okay, please forgive me if ever I curse. I'm not that type of person who curses much, due to the fact that I'm still young and I owe everything to you readers. If ever you see yourself being mentioned to the people I dislike, please don't think that YOU'RE the one I'm actually mentioning here. This note is for everyone, so please understand. I've said this already so DON'T TRY ARGUING WITH ME. 

So the problem is:

I've seen a comment in chapter three: First activity [1] which says, "If this is just the same as the anime, I wouldn't be reading it". 

Okay, first of all, you know who you are. You know who said this. You can see it in the comments section. And, I replied to that comment. I told that person, "No one told you to read this, so feel free to stop doing so". 

I'm not angry. Okay? I'm not. I'm just hurt. I'm hurt because I'm here, several hours each day, thinking of how epicness can show on the next chapter, then someone came sending some mean comments. I'm not saying that everyone of you does that, but someone did. I'm just hurt with that little statement. I'm updating to satisfy to all, and I am clearly apologizing when I update late. 

Of course, the first few chapters of this book is similar to the darn anime because THIS IS A FANFICTION FOR CHOCOLATE'S SAKE. But when you get to chapters 9 and above, you'll see the difference. 

Clearly, Sasuke's KIND HERE BECAUSE DAMN ITACHI ONLY KILLED THEIR CLAN WHEN CHAPTER FOURTEEN STARTED. Besides, Sakura was the one who Orochimaru took interest in. For goodness sake, IT SAYS SAKURA AND NOT SASUKE OKAY

The solution? If you dislike the story, just shut your yap and stop reading. Easy as that. Although I must say that this story is different when it comes to the middle, I suggest you stop if you're just going to give me headaches with your trashy comments.

It's okay to give criticism. I'm fine with that, really. Constructive criticism is something that makes a writer better. It's someone's judgement, in short. But try to give your criticisms in a "helpful" manner. If it is constructive or destructive, I don't care, just tell it nicely. That's how opinions are suppose to be given.

I repeat, I am not angry. Not furious, mad, or anything used to describe anger. Just disappointed and hurt. 

I type for hours just to make drafts for the next chapters, then I get rude comments?

Seriously, I'm a kid. I'm twelve. I just graduated from grade school. I make mistakes like every writer. I have grammatical/typograpical errors. I'm not perfect as you think I am. I'm not a robot who can update every day to fill up your pretty needs. 

I have a life. I study, I'm not allowed to use internet when school starts. Luckily, it's summer vacation right now. I want to make my parents proud of me so I choose to study first. I have two brothers that I help when they need me. 

Please understand why I'm saying this. It's not to say that I dislike you guys, frankly I couldn't have done it without you. I love you all. Thank you for your kind feedbacks, votes, and comments. 

Either way, I will still continue the story. :)

Good day to all and don't hate me if ever you were mentioned as you think you were. 

Okay see ya! :)

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