Chapter Four: First Activity [2]

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First Activity [2]


    While making their way to the middle of the forest, Sasuke began to tell his strategies and instruct his teammates. Naruto and Sakura both obediently listened while he spoke, "Sakura, you take south. Naruto, you're on north. I'll take east."

   "Eh? Who will take west?" Naruto asked.

  "I'll deal with that too, come back here if you see the lake, or send some kind of signal. See you all back here in twenty minutes." The ravenette ended.

   The three Genin jumped away, going to each direction.


South direction. . .

   The fresh air blew roughly against Sakura's face, as she studied the quiet location. It was just five in the morning, and the sun still wasn't rising.

   "Where the heck can I find that lake," Muttering to herself, she ran her vision through every possible ways. "But I shouldn't be down like this. I just have to look at the bright side. Once we find that lake, we can start the activity." She smiled, letting her positive side win over. "Besides, something good might happen."




minutes later. . .








  "UWAAAAAAAAA!!! SPIDER!!!!!!!! I WAS WRONG! I THOUGHT SOMETHING GOOD WOULD HAPPEN, BUT NO! I WAS SO WRONG!!" Sakura yelled as she ran fast, returning to the middle of the forest.

  A spider crawled over her face. Of course, she'd react like that.



North direction. . .

"Mythical Lake. . ." Naruto pronounces as he tried to find some clues, "Where is that stupid lake?"

Like a detective, the blond silently studied each direction, desperate to find the certain location. He was currently busy thinking until he moved his right foot forward, stepping on a pile of leaves however his foot did not reach the ground because. . .












His right foot was tied with a rope, which was connected by a tree. "That's why those leaves were so many! They were covering the rope! Who the heck pulled this stupid trick?!" Naruto cried. "HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!"


East direction. . .

"Darn, what's that smell?" Sasuke covered his nose. The scent of dead animals lingered around the place, which made the ravenette suspicious.

Slowly, he tilted his head but was surprised to see a river. . . a river with red water.

Wait, red? Yes, red.

Of course, the first thing that pops in his mind is blood, because of the smell, "What is this?" Sasuke got confused and asked himself.

As he leans down to look closer at the red water, his hands pressed on the grass for support. He stared at the red liquid, what could it be?

  His eyebrows creased, until a kunai came flying to him, which shocked him. Due to the sudden emotion, he brought up his hands but accidentally fell to the water, making him wet.

"Shit," He cursed silently. Where did that kunai come from and who threw it? And then while standing up, he realized that the red liquid wasn't blood.

It's. . .







Food color.

"Who the hell did this?" Sasuke said in infuriation. "He or she must have used a jutsu to completely cover the river."

He contemplate whether he'll come back to the forest without going to the west direction or just stay here for more clues. But in the end, he picked the first option.

As he got back, he saw Sakura.

"H一Hey, Sasuke-kun. Why are you soaking wet? And. . . bad luck, I一I don't know where the lake is. . ." the pinkette says apologetically.

"That's okay, and. . . it's a long story. What happened out there?" the Uchiha asked.

     "A. . . a spider. . c-crawled over my. . . b-beautiful. . . f-face. . ." Sakura muttered, remembering what happened.

     "O-Oh. Anyway, why hasn't Naruto come back?" Sasuke asked, changing the subject.

      That was when she realized that Naruto was taking too long, "He might already have found the lake! Let's go!"


As they went to the north direction, they saw Naruto's foot tied up. Sasuke cut it with his kunai, then Naruto broke free.

    "Naruto. . . how did you ended up like that?" Sakura asked.

    "Eh, I don't know. I was just caught up in someone's stupid trap." The blonde replied, massaging his foot.

      "Well a spider crawled over my face." She said.

      "I got wet from falling down to to the river because of a kunai." Sasuke recalled.

      "Seriously, I think someone's doing this. And not just that, he or she might be laughing at us right now!" Sakura fired up.

      "Whoever that is, that person will pay!" Naruto yelled in anger.


published ++ may 2014

edited / revised ++ 11.29.15, 12:46 PM

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