Chapter Thirty-two: When I Came Back

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What happened?

That question was roaming around Sakura's head for quite a while now. It was as if the world hated her; she felt like every burden in the whole universe was on her shoulders.

What did I do to deserve this?

She's Sakura Haruno. A friend, a teammate, a daughter, a kunoichi. Why was she the one to receive this kind of pain and hardship? Why the hell did Orochimaru enter her life? Why the heck did he give her the freaking Kusanagi, a.k.a Jigoku no Kiseki?

What do I do?

What should she do? What should she decide? Be the one to kill or be the one to get killed? Hurt your teammates or save them? Let your parents get killed or protect them? What was the right choice?

With a pale and tired face, Sakura exited the Land of Waterfalls after hearing Yukana Ōtsubo's story. She didn't know what to do, and her head was empty and all she could think about was. . . how miserable she is now.

She couldn't possibly let her parents get hurt; but she couldn't also digest the fact that she was actually planning to do her mission- which was to kill Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki. Both prospects gave her difficulties and every time she thinks about it, she could feel herself slowly fading away from being a pure Leaf ninja.

Well. . . why didn't she ask for help in the first place?

Ah, Orochimaru threatened her by saying that he can kill everyone in the village. Possible or not, Sakura was left traumatized by the Third Hokage's death. And for her, and maybe even for everyone else, it's normal to think that someone like him, who managed to kill a Hokage, can also kill every villager.

In the end, Yukana didn't tell her how the Jigoku no Kiseki works, but she did left a few words. . . which confused Sakura even more.

"Sakura, the Jigoku no Kiseki is used to fight for peace. But since Orochimaru gave it to you, I only see nothing but darkness and evil in that seal. If you want to know what the right decision is, then look into your heart and decide what will be better."

. . . Those were Yukana Ōtsubo's final words to the pink-haired kunoichi before the latter decided to leave.

Look into your heart.

Decide what's right.

". . . Thank you, Yukana." Sakura whispered to herself as she ran off towards Konoha, finally with a decision.


"Orochimaru-sama. . ." Kabuto called out, "Are you okay?"

The snake-like man remained quiet, staring blankly at Kabuto. Here in his hideout, they're the only ones here and people don't have the slightest idea where they are.

"Kabuto," he uttered with a stern look, "Let's go."

"What do you. . .?"

"It seems like I've been reckless to let Sakura move on her own. She might have discovered how the Kusanagi works and what its history is." He continued, a small crease in his forehead.

Flabbergasted by his statement, Kabuto tried remain calm as he pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. "But isn't that what you wanted, Orochimaru-sama? You told me that I should rip a page in a book about the Ōtsubo clan. And I did. I wouldn't be surprised if she was trying to find some Ōtsubo member even though they're already extinct."

"That's exactly our mistake, Kabuto." The snake-like man hissed, "That girl will do anything just to save both her parents and teammates. I shouldn't have give her options. I'm going to have to do this myself."

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