Chapter Eighteen: Back With Something New

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Alrighty guys! From now on, I will put pics on the side (or media) and the lesson that it says. Every chapter will have a lesson or logic, that will be said by the character, okaaaay?


"In order to make your friends not to worry, you sometimes have to lie to them and hide things."

- Sakura


           Two days have passed by. Sakura Haruno was very weak and powerless. Her chakra was drained even though she didn't use it. Her entire body was like stone that she can't even lift it. "Shit, how long will my body drag me like this? Is it because of this flipping curse mark?" she thought so. Yet, she was right. The Kusanagi was taking over her body in accordance to its power. Then suddenly, a man opened the door, and it was Kabuto.

              "Sakura-san, Orochimaru-sama is requesting you to the living room." Kabuto explained evenly. But Sakura just raised an eyebrow.

                   "What's with the honorifics? Call me Sakura, and what the hell? You expect me to get up? My body is harder than stone, four eyes!" she yelled frankly.

                  Kabuto answers, "But Orochimaru-sama told me to call you 'Sakura-san'. Well, try to use your Kusanagi. It'll help you."

                  Sakura threw him a dirty look. "You expect me to use this dumb seal made of evil stuff? I'm pure and I will never use this," she frowned.

                 "Tsk. Sakura-san, let me demonstrate," he says, taking a closer phase towards the pinkette, "If you're on the verge of death, will you still not use it even if it's urgent and needed?"

                       Sakura let out a soft laugh, "Of course not, four eyes. Like I said, I'm pure like heaven. I will not use any evil seal or marks to save myself."

                       Kabuto frowned and just giggled lightly, to insult the teen, "Let's just see how long your 'pureness' would stay," he says as Orochimaru entered. 

                      "You may go out now, Kabuto." the snake like man said. 


                      Kabuto went out and Orochimaru pierced his eyes at Sakura.

            "Sakura, do you miss your village?" he asks and Sakura hesitantly nods a 'yes'. Orochimaru let out a chuckle and adds, "Do you wish to go back?" Once more, Sakura didn't spoke but her eyes and head answered a 'yes' for her. Then now, Orochimaru asks again, "Will you tell your comrades about your curse mark namely Kusanagi?" But now, Sakura thought for a moment. She was now dull and blunt. She was thinking so hard. If she tells, then maybe there's a way to remove it. But, her parents better yet family, team and comrades would always look upon her and get busy with her that they may forget their own stuffs to do. She doesn't want anyone to worry about her. If she doesn't tell it, then maybe the curse mark would make her change and maybe it'll hurt for eternity. And what possible secrets may this Kusanagi be hiding? What could be it's effect, better yet, how strong is it's wrath?

                    When Sakura stopped thinking, her lips were straight and she answered without any hesitation, "No." she says, "No, I won't."

                      Orochimaru smirked and nodded. "Very well, I'm sending you back to Konoha. If I'm not mistaken, your chakra is returning, yes?"

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