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prisoner x prison guard
Worth (Malakai) x Nate

Strolling their cells, I checked to do headcount for everyone's cell. Two to a cell, so it shouldn't be that hard really. All the beds are full, so this shouldn't be much of a trouble.

As I'm skimming the list and flashing a flashlight inside, I begin to head upstairs. It was eerily silent...but silence was my best friend. I loved the dark too and all the lights were dimmed outside of the cells. Since it was late, most people were sleeping or talking to themselves, I don't even know.

If I spot someone doing drugs or have contraband, which I have not yet unfortunately, I get to take it and put them on lockdown. That's always fun, but I haven't been able to do so yet.

Heading forward more, I realized I was coming upon Worth's cell. My irritation tripled as I turn up the brightness all the way on my flashlight. When I start to step towards his cell I stopped.

I could hear something...something I know I shouldn't be hearing. It was a wet sound and it was repetitive. That infuriated me immediately as I rush up to his cell and flash the light in. 

I see Worth sitting on his bunk, that Spanish guy between his legs as he was clearing sucking his dick. My eyes widen to see Worth's hand set on the back of the guy's head and kept him from moving.

He stared right at me too.

There was absolutely no shame in his eyes and he smiled.

"Bitch." He mouthes those words, and I was quick to unlock his cell door.

As soon as I do I yank that guy back, and he coughed into his hand. I saw him gasping for air with this glazed over look on his face. I didn't care about him though.

I look at Worth, refusing to look at what was below his hips.

"You...are locked down...yes..." I breathe excitedly, laughing as Worth snorts. "Both of you! Locked down!"

"Fine, is that it?" Worth stood, and I looked up as he looked down at me with that same look. "Because my dick wants to cum in somebody's mouth, and you're keeping that from happening. Wanna be that mouth?"

"You sick fuck!" I sneer, rushing out as I slammed his cell door. "Locked down for forty-eight hours, both of you!"

Now I just rushed to count everyone else who was left and went to my counter. I was quick to try and call for backup, but I was met with no replies.

The other cell blocks had connections, but this one seemed to be intentionally not working. That pissed me off further because I knew what was happening in there.

I've only been here...for a day. I stay at the dorms that reside here for the correction officers since this prison is so far from...anything, really. In the middle of nowhere, like shit.

If these people wanted to escape, they'd die out in that heat in no time.

What I've come to how ridiculously useless my coworkers are. Absolutely useless, so fucking useless, it's not even funny.

I needed backup so many times because fights in here are rampant! Except they tell me to let it calm down on its own... Calm down on its own?! Who will be liable if someone gets shanked in here and bleeds to death?

Not us the person who did it, but me because I'm responsible for them!

Then we got Worth's stupid ass always trying to run shit. Not trying, but basically is. The only person he can't run up on or control, is me. I don't let him get far with his nonsense. Except it seems he has more nonsense to offer every single day.

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