² eleven

853 43 10

Nate .

"I appreciate this."

I look down at Florence as she sat in our living room. She held Rue in her arms with a proud smile on her face. Only to look back up and at Worth.

Who was purely excited for seeing his mother again.

"Rue has such amazing parents. Blessed in every way possible," Florence rocked her Rue some more and I saw Worth nod quickly, "she looks like both of you. She doesn't look like just one of you, but both of you. You're lucky."

"True, but it wouldn't bother me if she or he happened to look mainly like Nate."

I saw Florence nod in understanding, tilting her head slightly at him.

"You look like your father." She tells him, causing Worth to look back down at Rue. "Kind of. You have some of my features, and some of his. You do have his handsomeness though."

"Thanks..." Worth says quietly.

There was this awkwardness between them that was obvious from the very jump. I could tell...but I still kept in mind what stupid Micah said.

About...making it known we have money and play on that, but not to be too obvious. So, I brought her to our home and I picked her up in my car. It doesn't get more informative than that.

She's seeing what we have and knowing we have it. I even bought her something that Micah said she's always trying to get.

"So, as a thanks to giving birth to such an amazing man, I wanted to give you something." I stand up, seeing her look up at me in shock. I even saw Worth look thrown off by that as I went to a shelf.

I pulled down the purse that Florence has been wanting so much from this particular luxury store. When I turned around for her to see it, her eyes widened instantly.

She got up so fast and set Rue into Worth's arms with no hesitation. Only to stand before me and smirk at it like it was some prize. Just to shake her head in complete amazement as she looks back at me.

"Who told you that I love Louis Vuitton?"

"Who doesn't like that store?" I snort, placing it in her hands as I smile at her. "I just wanted to welcome you into our family and into the future with us. That's all."

"Oh...you didn't have to do that but...I'll definitely take this, shit..." She whistled, turning away as she went over to the couch.

I saw her start emptying out her other purse to fill that one. Only for me to see Worth come towards me.

He nodded forward for me to follow and I already knew why. Because once he set Rue down, he turned back around and looked at me. His whole demeanor dulled and looked very...planned out.

I could tell he wanted to have an answer to the obvious.

"What are you doing?"

I look up at Worth, seeing him look down at me with a blank expression. He was serious and I could tell he was trying to keep me uncertain on if he was angry or not.

Except I just snort at such a thing. I wave him off as him doing these actions don't have the same effect like they did in the prison.

I know him too much for me to be afraid now.

"I'm seeing how Florence is as a person, that's what I'm doing. I can't do that? All I did was get her a bag, is that wrong?"

"No, and you can, but it all feels very contrived. Like you're trying to get something out of this whole thing." He tells me calmly.

My eyes stay focused on his as he raises his eyebrow.

"Am I wrong to think that?"

"You can think whatever you want, you always do." Is all I say to him, beginning to smile at his clearly evident concern. "Your mom will be fine. I just got her a purse is all, to show my gratitude towards showing up again. How can I not celebrate this?"



I frown, the both of us looking at Florence as she just walked right into the room. She was still holding onto the new things I bought her and smirked up at him.

"Worth, you're very lucky to have found someone like Nate. You both are very set. More set than anyone I've ever seen! Even with you having been in jail unfairly, your luck was that you found Nate. He got you out and gave you all of this-."

"Did you know about Worth being in jail?"

"Yeah, I did." Florence nods, and I felt my eyes narrow upon her. I glanced over at Worth who was calm in the face. Except I could tell that he was feeling much more than that simple calmness. "But I couldn't really do much about that. By the time I found out about him being in there, he just turned eighteen. He was an adult and I can't interfere with adult stuff."

I instantly thought that that was a horrible excuse.

My displeasure to her horrible reason seemed to follow over to Worth. Who now had an obvious expression on his face. His expression was slightly annoyed and put off by such a thing.

"Not true, you could've if you cared enough. No matter my age. If you knew I was in there for the wrong reasons, you could've done or said something. That reason is complete shit." Worth tells her straight up.

"I guess it is but... Me going there wouldn't have changed anything. I'm not good with all that law stuff and I hate the police-."

"And yet, you came to my trial to testify for and against me." Worth interrupts her, and I saw her purse her lips at him. "So...that doesn't make sense."

"I put aside my disgust and hatred for the feds to try and speak to you. Don't try to make it out to be somethin' it's not. I didn't have to do that, I could've stayed not knowin' and waited a little longer. Micah was difficult with that mess too, shit... Now look, because of his stupidity and tryna keep me from you, he's now in jail and I'm here. God always blesses those who wait, right?" Florence smiled at us both, the new purse on her arm.

I saw her turn and she looked back at Rue.

When I look up at Worth though, he looked pissed off. I don't know towards what though... I was actually lost on that much.

"Micah had his stuff...what does that have to do with anything? You didn't have to listen to him-."

"Micah's shit and your dad's shit are too entwined. I can't let your dad get involved in that mess. If you want to see him, you'd have to let me set that up."


Worth and I ended up asking at the same time.

I saw her just grin at just me though. She wasn't looking at Worth at all and I could tell I was the problem. She didn't want me to know.

Was it because I...have parents who work for the government.

And I do too?

"Do you have something to hide on his behalf?" I found myself questioning her.

Her grin immediately grew as she looked back at Worth, "So, if you want to ever see Malak, let me know-."

"Can I bring Nate?" Worth asks her before I could ask myself. I was happy he asked that because...something was off now.

"I don't really see the point for that. Nate isn't his son-."

"But he's the person I will marry and grow old with and who I have a child with. Why can't he meet someone as important as that?" Worth questioned her quickly.

I could tell why. It was obvious.

She didn't want me, someone related to the feds, to meet him. Because he definitely has shit on him...so what is the case with Micah?

She wouldn't...do that to her kids...right?


- yolo🥢

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