² thirty six

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Malak .

"I just don't want you to be upset."

I looked at both of my dad's, seeing how upset dad was in particular.

My dad - who I usually call pops - is Malakai...and sometimes I hear my other dad, Nate...calls him Worth. I don't really know why considering that's not his actual name, but I didn't bother asking. I love them to death...and they have made my life feel like something straight out of a movie. It was perfect...it is still perfect.

With not just me, but my two older sisters, Rue and Lilith.

I'm aware...that I have upset mainly dad.

"It's hard...not to be." He lowered his head, leaning into it. "I thought we discussed this. You can't just...do things because you feel like you owe them or that they were this or that. I honestly...couldn't care less that your boyfriend was with you from middle school, having your back and such; but that doesn't give him the right to get you in trouble. Honestly...I think he's full of shit-."

"Okay, my turn." Pops steps in, smiling at me as he brings my dad into his embrace. "I understand what you're feeling...I do. If anyone understands what you're feeling, it doesn't get any better than me. I know what it feels like to feel like you may owe someone for being there for you at your worst... I remember, Jack was your first friend when you were being bullied in middle school. And you came to feel like you owe him because he gave you that chance that no one else would, but...Jack isn't any good; and he's beginning to affect your life too. And it's no longer in good ways anymore."

I saw my dad begin to look much more calm after having heard him. If he's already so at ease just from hearing that...I knew that there was some truth to his words.

There usually always is.

He's not even that old, but...I feel like he's more wise than a lot more mom's and dad's I've met his age, and even older.

Maybe it's because he's a lawyer and he's heard and seen a lot.

"I just really like him...I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"He didn't care about you when he roped you into something you weren't even involved in. He's having you do things for him and you don't even want to do them Malak, and it's even hurting how people look at you. When before, you got along with everyone and were doing so well. Now? Jack is ruining you, and he hangs out with crazy people." My dad has to point out - like he always does.

"Can you state anything but that? Who he hangs out has nothing to do with what he does with me. I wish you'd just stop with that, it's annoying." I mumble the last part, but I know he heard me.

His face got red and pops just nods at me, my eyes softening.

"Just...take our advice and do with it as you will. I trust you, we both do. We're just worried for you."

"I know...and I'm sorry about that. I...don't want to worry you two, it's never my intentions to." I insist, and they both nod.

That was my affirmation enough.

I can't...keep doing this.

I can't keep doing this with Jack...I mean.

And when I saw him in school the next day, I had to make it clear immediately. Or I'll get caught up in his pretty words and lovely smile.

I can't this time.

"Hey." Jack smiles at me, and I had to stop myself from caring...

I have to!

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