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I didn't expect for Worth to stay in his room for as long as he did. Because for two straight days, he never once came out. No one ever went up to see him either and I was advised before I started my shifts to not go near his cell.

I really don't know what's going on, but it's kinda...weird. Not kinda, it's one-hundred percent weird!

Everyone is sleeping right now, so if I was to check his wouldn't matter. No one can go and say anything to me about it. Can ask him what's really going on.

As I go up, I get to his cell door. Except when I look in I gasped to see he wasn't even in there. No one ever told me he was being put on segregation though. So...that worried me even more.

Not worried about him escaping, but worried about what the hell is really going on here. Why...did they tell me not to check his cell the whole time if he really wasn't here then? Like they were trying to fool me and just hide something altogether?

As I wondered I rushed down to my counter and was about to alert someone. Except I was getting this feeling that I shouldn't. This was just odd way too much. It actually made me...worried somehow.

Maybe because of what happened two days ago when I tried to be nice to him. Barely worked in my favor because he acted like he hated my guts still. I mean, whatever, he lost out because of taking his anger out on others.

Now he's missing though so...I don't even know. Should I be worried, concerned? I don't think I should be since they all tried to trick me into thinking he was still there. Except why go that far though? He doesn't seem to have charges; so therefore he has no trials to attend...

Are they interrogating him?

They would've said that. The thing is that they didn't tell me anything. They are definitely hiding something, one-hundred percent.

I'd ask around, but I highly doubt anyone would tell me anything. Ever since that time when he almost knocked that guy's head off with the basketball, people don't really speak to me. More like they're avoidant of any possible confrontation.

I haven't been able to talk to Matthew either, he's been "busy". More like avoiding me if anything for some reason.

The more I think on it the more I feel like there is just some sketchy, underhanded shit going on. It pisses me off because I know there's something happening... What though? I don't even think these people know either.

The people Worth was affiliated with was everybody really! There were obviously the main people who he was around, but they definitely won't talk to me. Got into it with them my first day on the job.

I'm just feeling a little nosy is all. Except it's my job to fight against corruption and crime! I can much corruption, it's clogging up my nose.

...or probably the putrid scent of some of these men.

Suddenly the cell block door opens, and I look in surprise. Only to see the Chief of the whole facility right beside Worth. He had no cuffs on either, just was walking casually.

I was surprised, because the Chief...isn't supposed to be over here. I don't think he is... Why is he escorting him and not someone of my rank or one higher?

"Chief!" I rush over, and I see him grin up at Worth as he pats his arm.

"You can go back. See you in a couple of weeks." He tells Worth who didn't even acknowledge him.

I watched him walk off with almost this dejected expression, causing me to look at the Chief now. Only for him to sigh almost in peace.

"What...what's going on? Why did officers lie to me and act like he was here, when he clearly was with you? Also, I have another question. Why doesn't he have a wristband, that would mean he's in the system. Why doesn't he? Another thing-."

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