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Nate .

I stormed down the hall towards the visitor section, glaring past anyone who was looking at me. All I could focus on was the obvious...

The one person who has ruined Malakai truly. He has traumatized him and fucked him over, again and again. I'm tired of this shit and the only one who can visit him at this point, is me. That isn't my trial.

"Who are you here-?"

"Miguel Varon, I'm his visitor." I interrupt the guard with no emotion in my voice. All I wanted to do was handle what needed to be done, and do what should've been done a long time ago.

He handed me my visitors pass and I see the door to the visitor hall open. I walked in as I sat at the table at the farthest end of the room. Facing the door, I wanted to see him walk in.

I want to see him be where he should've been from the very beginning.

And to see him walk past those doors to sitting in front of me, I could tell he was disgusted to see me.

"You're not who I wanted to fucking see."

"Walk back then."

"Nah. I'm gonna get my hour break out of that shit. I could care less if it's you. As long as you don't piss me-."

"I don't want you talking to Worth anymore." I interrupt him, seeing his eyes narrow on me. "And I mean it this time. You have kept his mother away from him even after all of this time. She contacted you, and you didn't tell him? It's because you want to keep him trapped in thinking you two are all each other have. When that is truly not the case. You're just full of shit, and I don't want Worth associated with anymore shit. That includes you."

Once I say that, I see him look at me quietly, only to snort.

"What's so-?"

"Who do you think you are, walking in here and requesting to visit me, just to tell me that shit? If I wanna keep talking to my brother, I will. We are all we have-."

"You're a fuckin' lie. You dare still spout that shit?" I question him sharply, seeing his eyes remain unchanged. "Hello? Why the fuck are you si-?"

"Don't get that woman involved in Malakai's life, if you love him." Micah tells me quickly, causing me to feel my face become red with anger. Before I could speak he shushed me, my eyes widening. "Florence is like me. You milk the resources you have until you don't have them. I have no one, I have no money, nothing. My brother was my someone, he has money, he has people that truly love him. I know it might be hard to believe, but I love him too."

I don't say anything, seeing him look at me with a blank expression. I didn't know what to say now.

Because he could be telling the truth...yet this could be another ploy. He could be saying bullshit to try and keep Worth to thinking he was all he had.

I don't want...to ruin anything his mom and him could have. All because I took advice from this asswipe.

"You're full of it." I sneer, and Micah rolls his eyes. "I would believe you if you didn't do what you did to Worth. Your word can't be trusted for anything, and that's pathetic."

"Well, I'm telling the truth in this instance. She reached out to me, because what? What was I doing before? I was in the gang life, she and our dad our still entwined within that. Yes, they were 'hard to find', but for obvious reasons. The gang life was more important to them than raising kids. And when I spoke to her again, she wanted to know what we could offer to her. What have we made of ourselves without them, and what we could give them now that we were adults. Help, money, drugs - maybe?" Micah sat back in his chair, his eyebrow raising on me. "Our dad is worse. He outright tells you shit, that's why his ass isn't here and won't be called upon that stand. He's fuckin' trifling as hell, and you thought I was bad."

I was still debating.

"She arrived at that trial...as nice as can be."

"It's called putting on a front. You show everyone what they want to see, especially in a setting like that. Why the hell would she walk in acting ghetto and not know how to behave?" Micah questioned me like I was stupid, and I stay silent. "You're an idiot. She got you all, and got Worth too."

"None of this shit would even be happening if it wasn't for you, keep in mind." I hiss at him, seeing him nod in understanding somehow to my surprise. "So...Florence, his mom...is like you?"


"And why should I believe you? Look what you've done to Worth?"

Micah nods, leaning forward as he inhales deeply. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something, but I don't know what. That wasn't something that needed to be thought about. He completely ruined his life.

He's absolutely full of shit-.

"Test her by making it known you have money. Go out of your way to flaunt what you have," Micah tells me, and I fold my arms, "Don't be too obvious though. Be discreet...kind of naive about it. Get her a couple of things. If she randomly introduces Malak - our dad, she believes she got you."

"Malak? What introduce him?"

"Because stupid. Malak and her, they're a team. If one believes they got one, they both want to got them together. That simple," Micah begins to snicker, shaking his head some, "Malakai will be fucked over so much though. You...can't let him fall for-."

"I know." I interrupt him, seeing and hearing Micah just snort at me. "It's me you're talking to. I'm protecting Malakai as much as I can, and now that he has truly come to the realization of all of this mess... Hopefully this is easier."

I look away from Micah, looking at my phone. I had her number saved because I truly thought...this was something good.

But...I will test Micah's theory. I can't take any chances, and this time, I will tell Worth too.

I can't let more people hurt him...

Especially if it's people like that, his mother and father.

That would break him, I believe, more than it did his brother. And I don't know if he'd recover from that.


- yolo🥢

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