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"If you want to go, I won't stop you," Nate shrugs, my eyes settling on Rue who slept soundly, "It can be a part of your 'college experience'. Do something of your accord, something fun. Since your high school life was practically taken from you, this can make up for lost time."

"You think so?" I say quietly, my lips tightening together. "Those kind of things... I don't think I'll do it right. Yes, I went to parties; but...they had a particular agenda at the end of the day. Do these?"

"Usually to get drunk and meet others." Nate answers calmly. "I mean, that's what I've heard. I went to college; but I completed my bachelors pretty fast."

"I see..." I say quietly, looking at Nate as he looked down at Rue still. "I'll go."

I wish I didn't.

Because when I actually arrived at the location, I didn't think so many people would be looking forward to my arrival.

"You actually came..." The guy who messaged me stood at the door with his mouth agape.

Like this person.

There were others showing up too and lots of cars parked around this one house. So I felt content in the fact that I wasn't just arriving alone to someone's house.

"This isn't your house...but a sorority house?"

"Yeah. My friend is in this sorority and he invited me to it. And I'm inviting you, I'm not the only one who was interested in you coming." He admits, and I frown.

Why would I interest anybody else?

I just go to my classes and get my work done. I rarely talk to anyone unless necessary. And to be honest, I don't even know this person's name - I forgot it.

"I see...I can't stay long though." I put that out there immediately for him.

The guy nods, stepping aside for me to enter. I stood here for a moment and wondered if this was the right choice to make.

I've heard those words before...at the prison.

That others were 'interested in me coming', or they were 'interested in meeting me'. They all have their selfish reasons and it always ended one way.

This isn't prison though...

"Worth?" He says my name in confusion and I look behind me as a line was forming.

I just walk in now, a strong scent of booze and cheap food filling my nostrils. The music was muffled when I stood outside the house, but once inside it is kind of deafening.

The lights were dimmed and I saw a lot of people that I've never seen before. Or maybe I walked past a few or even glanced at them. It was strange because when I walked further in people were acknowledging me like they knew me.

I don't do enough of anything in the university for them to be so...happy to see me.

"Try to not look like you're not excited to be here."

I frown, looking to the side of me as I saw two random people looking at me. One male and one female, and I could tell they were friends.

They seemed younger than me, but not by a lot. Only by a year or maybe even a few months. As long as I'm just nice this shouldn't go anywhere strange.

"My bad," I first say, smiling down at them both shyly, "I would much rather be at home than here, to be honest."

"So it's true?" The girl whines, nudging her friend's shoulder who shushed her.

"Is what true?"

"That you have a kid and are with someone already." She ends up blurting out.

I nod, "Why would I lie about something like that?"

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