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I sat in the eating hall, seeing other officers speaking together. I haven't allowed myself to really make friends here because I just feel like they're all corrupted. None of them give me true and genuine vibes.

Except I might have to involve myself within that to get some kind of information out of it. I just wonder...will they let me in?

Going over to their table, I set my drink down as they look up. I grin down at them instantly.

"Hey, mind if I join?" I ask, and they nodded.

Sitting down with them, they all were quiet at first. Until someone broke the ice.

"You're the new CO for Worth's pod, right?" A female CO asks, and I nod. " sound familiar. I remember when you called over to my pod.

"Oh...that was you?" I force a smile on my face despite how irritated I was.

"Yeah...sorry about that."

"It's in the past now." I sigh, looking beside her at the DART member that spoke to Worth. My eyes narrow on him and he instantly noticed. "What's your name?"

He frowned at first, and I wait for him to answer.

"Trevor." He tells me, and I snicker. "What?"

"Sorry, but I just wanna say but...isn't Worth fine?" I muse, smirking as I lean into my hand. "I've never seen such a man before in my life. It's too bad he's inmate, because shit..."

I lie, hoping they'd fall for the bait. I was risking a lot doing this, because what if it's on the down-low? If I just say this outright and it's meant for a particular group of people...will I be punished?

Except I began to see faces relax around me, and that female CO nods.

"Yeah...I agree with you, seriously. I wish I was in charge of that unit, because damn!" She exclaims, running her fingers through her hair. "I'm Natalie."

"Name's Nate." I tell them now, and they all nod. "I'm curious though. So, Worth was gone from his cell for a couple of days. Where did he go because I lost the only thing that pleased my eyes."

I saw another guy smile almost dreamily, and Trevor began to pout. I instantly knew that something was up.

"You're new here so you don't know, but Worth is allowed to move throughout the prison freely. Every two weeks, he goes up to the headquarters and that's usually where inmates get to visit their families or partners. He gets a room to sleep with any of the CO's, Sheriffs, and even the Chief! Has us all dying to be fucked by him because damn... He just knows where to hit. I'm not gay, but in here I don't mind getting fucked by him." The guy just tells me, and Trevor groaned.

"I'm so upset! I missed out on it! Fucking so many pods have had shakedowns recently. I was able to shakedown Worth's pod yesterday and see him. He was so close to me, I could just kiss him. Not to mention he just took a shower too so he smelled so good. I almost crumbled then and there." Trevor just says for us all to hear.

They began to talk about their sexual experiences, but I was absolutely disturbed.

He really had this. It was too easy to get them to talk about it, they were too eager is more like it. How do you even get to this point? How do you allow yourself to be this swayed by a man?

An inmate, at that!

"You can even show up if you want to the next one, but you gotta find someone to replace your shift. Or come when your shift is done." Natalie offers to me.

I don't say anything, just nodding as I let them get back to what they were talking about. Except all it was now was Worth.

" all of that though?" I heard myself asking with obvious irritation. "Isn't he an inmate?"

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