² thirteen

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Nate .

"Malakai!" I shriek, watching him fall straight to the ground.

I rushed at the man who shot him, slamming him to the ground as I heard the gun fall from his hand. My eyes move back onto Worth who just let himself bleed out. His eyes settled on the gunshot wound that continued to bleed.

"Malakai, please cover it - please," I beg him, trying to pull myself closer to him while holding this man down. Only to struggle as I had no handcuffs.

I wasn't on duty...and I no longer have those rights to just arrest. I was holding this man down without any ways of subduing him.

Letting him go, I rush to Worth as I press my hand to his lower chest. My eyes moving onto the person who was now standing up and glaring down at us both. The person I was looking at instantly took my breath away in absolute shock.

"How could you do this to your own son?" I croak, my eyes widening when I saw his dad scoff. "What the fuck is so funny?"

"I had two kids, Micah and Malakai. I had my wife, Florence. We all were s'pposed to be a family when they got older. Now Micah in jail...Florence in jail - my fuckin' wife, the mother of my children! And whose fuckin' fault is that? Who fuckin' ruined everything 'cause he didn't know how to act right?" Malak sneered down at Worth who avoided looking up. "He's ruined everything. One son was all that we fuckin' needed, 'cause look what the second one did? You took everything from me-!"

"You took everything from yourself! You ruined your own life and so did they! It was only a matter of time before you all got arrested-."

"Shut the fuck up." Malak rolled his eyes at me, blowing me off as he went to his gun. He grabbed it and stuck it in his back pocket with no shame or remorse. "What's with the feds and you people tryna tell me what the fuck I did? Naw, everything was a plan set in motion until your ass showed up. Malakai was never gonna survive the life we were livin', so it was set that he was gonna take Micah's crimes and mine to clear his name and we start over. Except how did that go, huh? I was gonna even visit you in prison and thank you for doing the right thing, but not anymore."

Malak sighed in disgust, his eyes moving back onto me. My eyes were glassy and I know I was crying. I was crying for Worth because my heart broke for him. I could only imagine what he was feeling right now.

It was nothing good...and he wasn't even trying to help himself. He just laid there as if he was already dead.

"You say that...with no shame. You're disgusting." I hiss, pulling Worth closer to me as my one hand pressed on still to his gunshot. "You would've missed out on the amazing person he truly is. His name is Malakai...I assume it's after your name, right? You dare say and do these things to someone named after you? To your own flesh and blood? You could shoot him like he's just...nothing to you-?"

"He is nothing to me. I don't know that bitch." Malak snorts, and I began to feel sick. "How could he do what he did to his mother - my wife? How could he do what he did to his own brother - my eldest son-?"

"How could you all do what you did to him?! Your youngest son, Micah's only brother, your family?!" I shouted over him. I felt my face being absolutely red because I was livid.

My words weren't even resonating with Malak as he just looked at me. No expression, no emotion, no care, no nothing.

He really didn't care about what he did to Worth.

"His worth came in what he could do for this family, what he could do for his brother who loved him so much. His worth ain't for shit now," Malak grinned down at him now, almost mockingly as I look over and saw...Worth looking at him, his eyes cold, "And to think you had people calling you 'Worth'. What's your worth? Being a snitch, that's your worth?"

I watch Malak smile as I hear a car honk in the distance. I looked to see a black BMW picking him up and I watch Malak jog over to it.

My eyes stayed glued to him and that car, watching it leave as I memorized that license plate. I was going to...get-.

"Let go."

I feel Worth forcefully remove my hands from his chest. I fight against him as I press my hands back to him, but he continues to fight.

"Worth don't listen to-."

"Don't call me that anymore." He interrupts, my eyes widening. "He was right-."

"Nothing he said was fucking right!"

"He was right about me having no worth. My name...it's worth has being a snitch attached to it. That's all I am, because look at what I've done-."

"Look at what your family has done to themselves. You didn't do this to them, they did it to themselves! Worth...Malakai please, get up." I go into my pocket and try to call 911, but I still was fighting against him.

He was really trying to keep me from pressing down on his wound.

"Rue needs you..." I breathe, and I saw him continue to look forward lifelessly, "she needs her father. Don't...don't do this. I love you...I love you, and I'm sorry. Malakai...my M-N-M, please, I beg you."

"I don't love me."

I was at a loss for words.

I saw his eyes filling with tears as his face remained lifeless. Until the emotion that overwhelmed it was absolute heartbreak. His eyes lowered and he just cried silently.

My tears were still streaming, but they streamed even more seeing this.

"You're breaking my heart Malakai...you are worth all the stars in the sky. You are so precious...so beautiful to me. Everything you have done has been for the sake of others, but you have never truly done anything for yourself... What do you want?"

"I want you to let me die."

I flinch, seeing him look at me head on.

"That...that isn't a fucking option." I force him onto his feet immediately, making him get into my car as I continue to press onto his wound. "You aren't dying. You're only saying that because of everything that has been going on. I can't let you die. I can't believe you said that to me..."


I flinch, looking over at him as he was now just lying there. His hand away from his wound and he looked dead now. Completely gone and I felt my heart drop.

"You're not truly listening to me-."

I sat up fast from my bed, looking to my right instantly.

I see Worth sleeping right beside me, soundly even. Even after having seen his brother yesterday, I've had nothing but continuous nightmares.

About what if...what if he did meet his dad? I've had all sorts of dreams that truly stem from nowhere. I don't even know what his dad looks like and his mom hasn't even been arrested...in a while.

I've just become paranoid because ever since I saw Worth's reaction from Micah's words...I've been nothing but stressed out.

How can I not be?

I dream of all these scenarios that feel so real, but then I wake up from them. I remember that he hasn't even met his father yet and then... There's the fear that if he did, would it come to that?

Would my dreams have been true and all of those horrible things happen? It stresses me out more than anything. Not to mention that I basically have three kids now, so I can't really go to Worth and tell him all of this.

It's a conversation that is hard to have. Then the fact his trial is tomorrow...?

I really hope...his dad doesn't show.

I'm not ready to see...what more it'll do to Worth.

And what he would possibly do to others...or even to himself.


it was just a dream- 🫣

- yolo 🫶

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