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"I think it's high-time we discuss these kind of things, to make changes in the system."

I sat in the chair at this stupid meeting, looking forward blankly at the others as Chief held this. It was funny considering now he wants to have a meeting, and for what? I swear, if he brings up the Worth situation-.

"I've been hearing that I'm quite a bad Chief, and I don't know about you all; but if you have a problem with me, I suggest you say it now." He grins, and everyone began to glance at one another.

I wasn't surprised as I glared at him. This was an evident shot at me to see if I'd talk in front of a few tens of people. That I'd speak up when there's more than just us two.

Chief looked at me and he smirks, only to look around some more.


"I have lots of problems, let me be the first to point it out to you since you clearly fail to see your own incompetence," I say loudly, sitting up in my seat as others began to look at me, "And some of you may already have your preconceived notions and ideas of me, but I don't give a fuck. You don't really know me, and I know what I stand for. What I do know is that our current Chief is a horrible one, and he's by far the most corrupt police chief I have ever come across, ever."

I point at almost all of the DART members, my finger settling on Trevor.

"He guides a DART team who are absolutely corrupted as well. They get their incompetence from him. It's obvious based on how they behave to certain things and how they react to particular things. Not to mention a DART team is supposed to maintain, take out the bad. Except it seems to me that wherever they go, they seem to either maintain the bad environment or bring it with them. If you pretend like they aren't just as bad as our Chief here, you're ignorant." I saw Fay nodding in agreement with me, standing up from her chair now.

"I didn't want to speak initially, but I have taken into account some things. Officer Nate isn't incorrect on what he says, and I don't mean to offend anyone in here when I say this. We all can see that our Chief is...doing lots of illegal things. If he was anybody else, we all would've been reported him. There are some here who like this kind of corrupted mess. That probably plays a major part as well." Fay says surely, causing me to grin at her.

We both knew there were people in here who agreed. Except everyone seemed to be waiting for Chief's response almost. Some looked nervous, while some didn't seem to care. Which those who didn't care are the ones I expected to not care.

"You," Chief nods at Fay, "Who even are you?"

"A correctional officer on the female side." Fay informs him calmly despite how rude he sounded asking her that. "I assume you are surprised I said anything since I am not on the male side."

"Yes, most of this information that was used against me is from the male side in particular."

"Well...things travel fast in prison." She snickers awkwardly, only to become serious abruptly. "But these are serious matters that are being passed through. Many people in here detest the things you do, not just us two. I just believe...they're afraid to speak up in fear of what you'll do."

I see the Chief just look at her, only to just look away sharply now. I could tell that since it was someone else saying something he was actually listening.

I'm not sure if he knew Fay and I knew one another...but based on how he's reacting, he didn't.

"Does anyone else agree?" Chief ends up finally asking everyone.

I nod adamantly, but everyone was so fucking dense in the head that they weren't speaking up. They were feeling the same way, it was so obvious!

The more we sat here in this ridiculous silence, I stood up now with Fay, glaring at everyone.

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