Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: In the Iron Cage

Several arrows were fired, and Fang Caigui's carriage instantly became a sieve.

"Be careful, Your Highness!!!"

The little prince was thrown down by the palace maid, but fortunately, the carpet in the carriage was thick and he was not injured.

The car window was shot through, several icy iron arrows were strung across his head, and the tail feathers were still shaking, escaping some weird powder. There was a strange smell in the air.

"Damn, it's poisonous!"

The red beans immediately wet the handkerchief with water and put it on the boy's mouth and nose.

Zhou Huaiyan quickly guessed the assassin's origin with the weird voice just now.

- Alien.

When he entered the palace, his uncle brought the team of carriages and horses, and when he left, he left alone, leaving the team to himself. In other words, those assassins should have regarded themselves in the carriage as their uncles.

Zhou Huaiyan sighed, miserable.

When he goes back, he must ask his uncle for some good things to make up for his injured little heart. The bloody blade made him dizzy.


An assassin broke through the car door and broke in. Seeing the unsurprising look in the other's eyes, Zhou Huaiyan frowned.

- The other party seems to recognize him.

While the boy was thinking, Hongdou had already fought the assassin. This maid of honor was personally selected by her uncle and was said to have been a dark guard before.

Zhou Huaiyan used to have doubts, but now he is convinced. After all, not every palace maid can crush an assassin with her bare hands....below.


Zhou Huaiyan saw such a real bloody scene for the first time in his two lives, and he felt his stomach twitch.

"Red beans..."

The young man's breath was obviously weak, and the maid was so frightened that she couldn't help herself. She hurriedly kicked the assassin out and came back to check the situation of the ninth prince.

"Your Highness! How are you, Your Highness?! Where are you injured?"

"The girl's hand is... a little more reserved."

Zhou Huaiyan handed her a dagger.

Red Bean: "...Thank you, Your Highness."

Zhou Huaiyan got out of the carriage, and all the soldiers of the government were gathered by Hongdou, protecting him in the center, and forming a city wall with their bodies. Outside, the cattle, horses and animals were frightened and ran around. Seriously limited the space for the soldiers of the government to play, but it was only a limitation.

Not long after, Zhou Huaiyan heard a neigh in the distant sky.

- That's my uncle's horse.

[Well, it seems that the good show is coming to an end. 】

He began to think, should he be crying so hard and add another piece to his incompetent little prince's character, or will he pretend to be calm and make his uncle Mo worry too much?

Hmm, a little confusing.

But Duke Wei didn't give him much time to struggle.


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