Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

    For Ah Fei, when it comes to using poison and Gu, no one can beat her. But he didn't quite understand the technique of pregnancy and fetus protection.

    Although she has a bisexual body, except for the little flower below, the rest of A Fei's body is clearly male. Therefore, he is not sure whether he can bear heirs like a woman.

    When Duke Wei passed away, he left behind an order for him to deceive Zhou Huaiyan. However, even if He Jin was arranged to explain it immediately after the teenager saw it through. But Ah Fei knew that Zhou Huaiyan couldn't get over this hurdle.

    His master hated deception the most in his life.

    But Zhou Huaiyan couldn't hate the lies that originated from Duke Wei, full of love and protection.

    But the teenager was full of anger, resentment, and pain, and he always needed to find a way to vent, so Zhou Huaiyan played a big game.

    All the people who were connected with the death of Duke Wei all died tragically. But after this?

    Ah Fei knew that everything Zhou Huaiyan had done in the first half of her life was to protect Duke Wei, but now that he was dead, what would happen after revenge?

    He'd seen too many people who got revenge, and after that it wouldn't go back to the way it was, or even worse.

    Therefore, Ah Fei needs to find a replacement for Zhou Huaiyan who can replace Duke Wei and support his goal of living, but what can the pampered little prince want?

    After thinking about it, he thought of the child.

    A new life connected with Zhou Huaiyan's blood.

    However, when Ah Fei thought of letting other women conceive Zhou Huaiyan's child, he would go crazy.

    So, you can only come by yourself.

    A Fei searched for a few people who had such a special body like him among the alien races, and then asked those who could conceive children.

    Then, he started drinking medicine, conditioning his body, and counting the days. There are even some superstitious postures that can better have offspring. And, after the end, plug it with something to keep Zhou Huaiyan's body in his body for a longer time.

    So, after two months of unremitting efforts, Fei felt something different in her pulse.

    It's just too weak. With such a special body, it is more difficult to conceive a child than a woman, so he wants to wait until the pulse is confirmed and stabilized, and then find a way to tell Zhou Huaiyan.

    At the same time, Imperial Physician Li also euphemistically hinted to him that he could no longer do it during these days.

    In fact, it's best, A Fei shouldn't go to see him again. Because as long as she saw him, Fei couldn't help wanting to hug him and kiss him, and once the kiss was over, he couldn't help wanting to do something more intimate with his beloved God Son.

    Therefore, these few days, A Fei and Zhou Huaiyan have been keeping a relatively safe distance. Once night falls, he always makes excuses to leave.

    Until yesterday, he forgot to clean the smell of medicine from his body.

    But I didn't expect that just such a tiny detail would make Zhou Huaiyan so furious.

    However, A Fei didn't feel angry or sad, and even had a secret joy in her heart, because it meant that Zhou Huaiyan cared about him and cared about him in her heart.

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