Reid has OCD

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(I hated Seavers character in s6 for some reason, so I kinda channeled that hatred into this story 😀)

OCD manifests in many different ways. It really all depends on your obsessions and your compulsions.
Common obsessions are germs/contamination, symmetry, uncertainty, and intrusive thoughts. And then compulsions correlate to the based obsession. So anxiety over cleanliness could result in excessive cleaning and washing of your surroundings or self. With the context of symmetry obsessions, you could see an on slough of different things; counting, mania when confronted with unsymmetrical items, etc.
But more general compulsions that can be found under any and all obsessions are orderliness, strict routines, demanding reassurance, suicidal thoughts, stress, checking doors or stoves to make sure they're closed or turned off, repeating phrases or words, etc..

Reid's OCD was generally mild and high functioning, but he was very forgetful. He had a tendency to start things but then realize that he hadn't done this other thing, so he'd abandon that task just to also not complete the other. This was mainly his anxieties and compulsion to overcheck things. He would start an activity or task and then realize he should have done something else first. And it was just an on going cycle.

Most of the BAU had gotten used to the clutter around the bullpen, but once Ashley Seaver joined the BAU as part of her training program she took it upon herself to set Reid straight.
She was shocked by the amount of coffee cups at the coffee station, some half full, some unstacked and not even filled.
Most everyone's desk was cluttered to some extent considering everyone was constantly busy and didn't really have the time to clean up, and Seaver was surprised by that, everything was a hard contrast to the self-discipline she had learned as a cadet. It annoyed her a little actually, but everyone there was her superior so she wouldn't dare say anything to ridicule them.
Except for Spencer Reid apparently. For some reason, she thought Reid was at a lower rank then her, even though he had been on the BAU for seven years at this point. He did look a bit young, and he acted very skittish around people, but he was a supervisory special agent, while Seaver was a probationary agent only there for a short time to help with her academy training.

Hotch set up a case file to present to the team, giving them thirty minutes to get their things together, so they could get on the jet and head to the state they were invited to.
While Reid hastily collected his things from under his desk, he got side tracked when he realized he didn't have his book bag. He left his go-bag on top of his clutter filled desk, and went back into the conference room to retrieve it. Before he could get to it though, Seaver appeared behind him and stopped him.

"PA Seaver?" Reid asked, turning around. He didn't like to be interrupted during such an important task. Getting his bag from the conference room wasn't a monumental task, but to Reid it meant life or death. That's just how his mind interpreted things.

"Do you need help cleaning?" She asked. It was a nice enough gesture, but Reid was a profiler, and whether Seaver thought he was good enough to pick up on her innuendos or not, he still did.

"No, I'll get to it eventually, but right now I really need to get my bag." Reid stressed.

"You're so disorganized, you should sort things better." Seaver continued to patronize.

Reid just nodded and walked away to the conference room. He really wasn't interested in any advice she tried to give him.
Seaver was a bit annoyed that Reid would just ignore her, but she figured if she just kept at it, then he'd change. She'd need to catch him in the act. This case should be a perfect opportunity. But she needs to focus on her performance just as much as anything else. This was her first case, so her abilities would be judged by Hotch and Rossi brutally. She'd probably get extra point for helping a coworker.

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