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Iris Caddel POV

Christmas has gone by and now I'm grocery shopping for essentials because I have nothing to make a meal, just snacks, and I can't buy much because New Year will come and it will go to waste since I will have to go to my parents' house.

I was passing the baby's aisle and I hear a baby crying, almost screaming. The dad was trying everything to calm her down, he looked so tired and desperate. The baby has been crying since I entered the store so I wasn't about to leave it like that.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" I ask and I see the man's teary eyes.

"I'm sorry, she's just like this. I am trying, she just won't stop. I don't know what to do" The man says almost breaking down while rocking her in his arms and massaging her back.

"She must have really bad colics. You should maybe try to change the formula she must be using. Try giving her smaller portions but more often. And also feed her in an upright position to prevent it from happening, she is maybe just more sensitive" I say and he just nodded looking relieved.

"I thought this wasn't normal, nobody seems to know what to do. She is healthy, just really grumpy. I came to buy her formula. I give her this one normally, would you recommend which one?" He asks pointing at a formula and I give him a smile.

"I would recommend this brand and specific formula, it has different proteins so maybe she won't be so sensitive to them, it's more expensive but a really good one" I say and he gets out a breath of relief.

"Thank you, I think you saved my life almost. You know a lot about kids" He says with a smile for the first time and picks up the formula I picked, the baby has mysteriously calmed down and he stopped rocking her in his arms.

"Oh yeah, I'm a kindergarten teacher and also worked in a daycare so I know a lot of both worlds" I say letting out a laugh.

"Iris!" I hear a familiar voice say and see Michelle with Issac. They are the sweetest.

"Michelle. I wasn't expecting to see my favorite student during Christmas break" I say giving Issac a hug.

"I see that you met my brother" She says and I'm now completely surprised.

"Oh, this is your uncle Daniel you always talk about" I say and Issac proudly goes to his uncle's side.

"Oh, this is the famous Miss Caddel. She just saved my life, she recommended I change Alice's formula" He says happily.

"Thank you for that, he has been having a rough time as a single dad. He finally was able to come back to Australia, he is a little lost. I even thought about asking you for help" Michelle says looking sad about her brother's situation.

"Alice is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I will help in whatever is needed. I love kids, that's why I do this. I don't just do this at work and then never dealt with them once I get home. What I'm able to help, I will" I say and she nods.

"Thank you. We wanted to ask if you knew any person willing to work as a personal babysitter. It would be basically living with Daniel and Alice. Travel around the world for free, a lot of Formula 1 weekends for free, and a really good salary. We just need someone to help with Alice. He will take care of the expenses and the salary is basically put on the account as long as the person does the job. He pays the grocery and bills and travels" She says and I'm shocked at all that. Formula 1 must pay really well.

"I mean, I never heard of it and I don't put my word for anyone. People can be really nice and be shitty at their job, I can only speak for myself" I say honestly, I wouldn't say names because they could mess things up.

"It's a really hard thing to find but he doesn't have an ordinary job" Michelle says shrugging a bit more unenthusiastic.

"Would you be willing to do it? The salary would be 75K" He says and I'm a bit surprised. I mean, I did a university degree and I'm earning 65K a year so 75K a year would be good but not enough to work 24/7.

"I mean, it's a little bit more than I make per year. It's decent but I don't think it's enough to leave my current job" I say and he seems to realize something.

"No, it's 75K a month, not a year. I'm sorry" He says and I almost choke on the air I breathed.

"Then, that's definitely a lot. Does Formula 1 pay that good?" I ask completely shocked.

"My brother had a contract in which he is making 15 million in 2022 alone" Michelle says and I nod. That's 1,25M a month. He is loaded.

"I mean, I could think about it. I wouldn't mind" I say and his eyes light up.

"If you want, I will be in Australia for a month before heading back to Monaco. You can come to my house for a few days and see if you and Alice get along, if it would work for you because she is screaming like she is being beaten for almost 10 hours a day, she is really grumpy. I wouldn't want you to quit a job and then realize she is way too difficult" He says and I nod.

"That would be great. She seems like an angel actually but I will see if that's accurate. I will call Michelle but if you want I can go to your house for these three days. The 28th, 29th and 30th. I'm free and then when kindergarten starts I don't have days off, just the weekends" I says and he quickly nods.

"We can do that. Michelle will give you my number and she will send you my address too" He says excitedly.

"We have to go before she wakes up. Tomorrow at 10 am at his address. And thank you" She says giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Uncle Daniel is the best and you are the best too. I would like it" Issac says while I kneel down to hug him once more.

"But I won't be able to teach you anymore if I go with Daniel" I say and he shrugs.

"I will still see you. They need you more than I do" He says and we all smile proudly.

"You are the best my little boy" I say and they leave.

I pick what I wanted and leave 30 minutes later because I felt the need to walk through every corner of the grocery store and buy an unnecessary item for my house, which today was a candle. Let's see how these three days will go.

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