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Iris Caddel POV

Life in Formula 1 is crazy. The first race of the year was in Bahrain and it was crazy, there were so many people there to watch, seeing Daniel drive like that for almost 2 hours was stressful. I trust his abilities but it is very dangerous, I understand the hefty paycheck that comes with it. Everyone was very nice though, they made me feel incredibly welcome.

Daniel got 14th place and his teammate, Lando, got 15th which is a bit bad but I don't really care. I'm glad he is safe. I was waiting with Alice in my arms, I was inside the garage, and Michael was explaining everything to me every time I asked him. Daniel had to go do his interviews and media duties. Michael took me to the motorhome and I sat down with him on the lounge.

"Do you think this is something you can get used to?" Michael asks curiously.

"I think so, with time I will get used to it" I say relaxed. Alice had her hands holding mine and I kissed her cheek making her giggle.

"Da-da" She says pointing to our right and I see Daniel getting in but both Michael and I had our jaws on the floor because she just talked.

"Did something happen?" Daniel asks picking Alice up since she was asking him to.

"She said dada" I say and he looks at her surprised.

"You called for me? Can you say dada again baby?" He asks excitedly and she nods.

"Da-da" She says giggling and touching his cheeks.

"Oh baby, I can't believe she will be a year old tomorrow" He says happily and proudly.

"I can't believe she said that out of nowhere, I have been saying some words to her but she just knew when she wanted to use it" I say letting out a laugh.

"Thank you" Daniel says kissing my forehead.

"No need for that" I say happily and he smiles.

"I'm going to get changed. See you in a few minutes. Can you look for her?" He asks and I nod taking Alice back into my arms where she snuggles ready to sleep.

"Go ahead" I say calmly, he nods giving me a smile before leaving.

"You made a huge difference in his life" Michael says looking at me.

"I know he needed some help, it's impossible to be able to raise a baby, do his job because it's crazy demanding and then all that comes with it. He needed help and I'm glad to give it to him" I say happily.

"He needed some company too. He was getting lonely, and I think you made him believe in people again. Alice's mom was abusive and an asshole, it wasn't love between them, they weren't in love. He just settled for her and she took advantage. When Alice came she was gone in a week. She just wanted what Daniel could offer and she was mad his focus was on Alice during the pregnancy and when she was born it was like he didn't care about Tiffany because he didn't. He was tired of being abused"

"Oh, God. That's awful. Now I understand why his family didn't like her, everyone seemed to think tiptoe around the subject. I never thought it was that bad, but she is not a very good person when she could abandon her newborn daughter without caring" I say shocked at how evil she seemed to be.

"He should've been more careful with who he got involved with. She wanted a proposal so they could be married and she would take even more from him. He knew she got pregnant on purpose so he never did it. Daniel is a family guy, he wanted it all. He has the house and the kid but he wanted the marriage and the big family" Michael says while I just listened carefully.

"He will have it all. He is a very different man than what I'm used to. He is so happy and his smile lights up the whole room. He is a very good person and he should just go with the flow" I say and he nods.

"Thank you for making him happy again. He was miserable before you came by. He didn't even smile, he was exhausted, the huge dark circles always showed how tired he was. We were all worried, I was worried he would kill himself on a race. But he survived it, a lot of times he almost gave up. You are his savior, I mean it" I could feel his honesty.

"I won't hurt him, he will be fine now. You can appreciate the happy human being he is. But I hope he starts telling the dad jokes to other people" I make us both laugh and I see Daniel showing up with his signature smile.

"Do you want to have dinner outside of the hotel? I know a great place" He asks looking at me and I nod.

"That would be great. Show me around town" I say happily and he nods.

"Have a good date guys" Michael teases us while getting up and I laugh.

"I have dates every day with my boss, I'm luckier than most" I say ironically and Michael just shrugs.

"I mean, it isn't a lie" Michael says patting Daniel on the shoulder. "See you tomorrow"

"See ya" Daniel says letting out a laugh while he left. "Let's go?"

"Of course, I'm hungry" I say taking his arm and holding Alice in my other arm.

"Did someone bother you? Fans? Gossip news?" He asks worriedly.

"No, everyone has kept their distance. I have your baby in my arms, no one will dare to come close enough for me to be bothered" I say laughing as we stepped outside the motorhome.

As usual, flashes were seen, and people asked for autographs and tried to see Alice's that I kept hidden with my jacket for safety and that she wouldn't wake up from her nap. Daniel has one arm around me and the other he used to sign some stuff and he stopped to take a few pictures before we were finally able to get to the rented car. This is intense.

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