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Daniel Ricciardo POV

We went out to dinner. Alice was asleep the whole time so I got into talking with Iris and started to know a lot more about her. And she got to know a lot about me.

"She will be 1 tomorrow. You survived the first year as a single dad" She says happily.

"I can't even believe it. I thought I was going to die. I got to Australia ready to just cry and beg for mercy. I was so tired, I was so depressed that even the darkest things crossed my mind" I say honestly and she listened carefully.

"You did great. You stuck by her even with your crazy life. I am glad her mom left, Michael told me what happened generally and I think she would only abuse her. I don't know what she used to do but she would be worse with Alice because she is a baby, she can't speak and she can't defend herself. It was for the best" She says putting her hand on mine and I felt a bit nervous about that. Why? I don't know. It feels so intimate.

"We were together for 2 years, she had a short temper. She would try to manipulate me, she didn't work, and she sometimes would hit me when things didn't go her way. She would say I was financially abusive because I didn't give her access to my account. I didn't trust her enough for that. She was after the money and she got none. I made her sign the documents with the promise of 100K if she didn't take it to court" It is bittersweet. I love my daughter but I hate her mother. I would never have a baby again with someone as cold as Britney.

"You two are better without her" She says giving me a smile and I smile back.

"Thank you for being here. She has been evolving so fast. Today she said her first word and I still can't believe it" I say looking at the sleeping Alice on her stroller.

"She is well developed, she is doing great"

After that, we left for the hotel to get some rest. The next day I woke up and met Iris for breakfast. Our rooms are adjacent so in case of a problem she can barge in and ask for help or something. She dressed Alice in the cutest dress. She looked like a princess.

"Dada" She says stretching her little arms in my direction so I would pick her up and I did.

"Happy birthday baby" I say missing her all over the face and she just giggled.

"She is in a very good mood today. We are lucky" Iris says while we walked to the restaurant of the hotel.

We had breakfast and I noticed some people looking and whispering. There are a lot of rumors around Iris and I. She is gorgeous, she is Australian and she is my daughter's nanny, that is all people need to know and that is the maximum I ever said about her. I asked for her privacy to be respected and I always made sure she was respected and that people wouldn't disrespect her.

But people always found a way to make everything a big deal. People were saying we were a couple, saying that she was Alice's mother and all that. Which is just stupid. She works for me and she is a friend. She is the best person for the job and I am glad none of this kept her away.

We went to a nearby park and sat in a towel we brought. Alice was having fun with her toys and I was looking around. It's a good day to be outside, it's not very hot but it's sunny. I took a picture of her playing with Iris's hair, her face wasn't visible but I wrote a little text about her first birthday and posted it.

"You are very quiet today, it's not like you" Iris says a few minutes later and I look at her.

"I am glad to be here today, I thought I would always feel miserable, I was starting to feel guilty because there were times I regretted having her and that I resented her. But I know it isn't her fault, I just am really happy to be here in a good mood" I am honest as I turned my hair to look at her, I expected to see a negative reaction but she just smiled.

"It's completely understandable but you aren't alone. Everyone is here for you. You caught the covid and then you had no family who could help but now it will all be fine. I am here too if you need something else"

Most people would judge me for saying that about my kid but she didn't, she is not most people either. I smiled back and I felt so grateful that our paths collided when they did. I truly believed she saved my life even if she doesn't know it.

"I will help you in whatever you may need to. I will also buy us some ice cream" I say getting up and she nods.

"Bring me the usual" She says excitedly and I leave for the ice cream shop close by. I bought the usual flavors. I came back and she was just watching Alice play. I wish Alice had a mom who looked at her with such love and pride as Iris does.

Thanks to Iris Alice will know what love is like, what unconditional support feels like. I owe her a lot just for the few months that passed. Iris made me believe in people, there are honest people out there, people who don't care about money, who aren't doing everything they can to make an extra buck. I knew she spent her own money when she went out with Alice even when I told her to just tell me how much it was.

She is the person I see on a daily basis, I don't feel lonely and I don't feel angry with the world for what I was given. I am grateful Tiffany left because she would've fucked me up even more. And I am even more grateful for Iris. She was the missing piece.

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