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Iris Caddel POV

"How is it going? Is she doing good?" Lily asks me as I found her in the paddock, she is Alex's girlfriend and I am good friends with the girlfriends and wives of the drivers.

"She is doing very good but she is very smart too. She will give us headaches as she grows up" I say letting out a laugh and Alice giggles too.

"And how are things with Daniel? You make a pretty good couple" She is clearly interested and I shrug.

"I think I am more in the friend zone, I don't think he is interested. I was the first to kiss him and he hasn't taken an interest in kissing or whatever so I think we are more friends than anything" I say a bit disappointed because I do think I fell in love with him and I am clearly not being reciprocated, which sucks.

"I think he is just scared of making a mistake. He is still probably scarred from his ex, I heard around that she was a real bitch" Lily says and I am honestly surprised because she is not usually one to swear.

"I think he is not that into me but I don't think he would tell me that" I had made peace with it. If you spend weeks with the person and you don't even make a move I think that means that you don't feel it.

"Well, I think you both like each other. Someone needs to step up and I know you've done it first. Maybe he will get to it soon. He just needs a confidence boost, McLaren is not doing him justice" She says as I arrive at McLaren's garage.

"I will see you when practice ends" I say and she smiles.

"Good luck" She says giving me a huge smile and continuing her walk to Williams' garage.

"Hey there" Zak says happily as Daniel was already in the car.

"Hey" I was a bit dry in my answer but let's be honest. Daniel is in a tight spot because of them.

From what Daniel has told me, they want to finish his contract sooner to put another younger driver in his place. Which is a mistake in my eyes. He and Lando are a good team and Daniel has a lot to give with the right car, I just hope he finds where to go next.

I am also a bit nervous because this probably means I will get fired in November as soon as the season ends if he doesn't find a seat on another team. This is still very premature and they are trying to reach a mutual agreement so let's see how it goes.

This practice wasn't his best moment but he got 15th place and Lando got last. They got out of the car and smiled when they saw Alice clapping at them happily. She is just happy to see so many people, especially her dad.

"Dada" She says opening her arms so he could pick her up.

"You okay?" Daniel asks somewhat concerned.

"I am fine, are you okay?"

"Better than ever love" He says as he kisses my cheek.

I picked up Alice and watched as he went to do the interviews.

"What a gorgeous girl, is she your daughter?" A brunette woman approaches me and I nod.

"She is, thank you" I am a bit cautious and she nods smiling.

"Is one of the drivers the dad? She seems focused on the media pen" Her questions were making me a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah, her dad is there so she is patiently waiting as good as a baby can" I say taking a step back.

"Iris!" Daniel calls and I knew he wasn't done with the interviews but he just got out of the media pen and came in our direction. "Get away from them" He says harshly as he put himself between me and her.

"Chill out Danny, I was just talking to her" She says with a mocking smile on her face.

"Disappear Britney. You have no right to be here. Leave us alone or I will take measures to make sure it happens" He says and I am flabbergasted once I understand that she is Alice's mom. I took a few steps back to ensure even more distance and I turned around to make sure she couldn't see Alice even for one more second.

"This is a public space, I paid to be here. She is gorgeous, we made a cute kid" She says trying to look in Alice's direction but I just shoot daggers at her while keeping Alice away from this.

"Dada. Mama. Eat" She says pointing at Max who had cookies in his hand and Max comes in our direction.

"Do you want one?" Max asks showing her a cookie and she smiles widely.

"Yes" She says reaching her hand for his cookie.

"Leave. I will issue you a refund but I will also make sure you are banned from entering any event if I see you again here. Leave my daughter alone" Daniel threatens. His tone was low because he didn't want to cause a scene with so many journalists close by but I could see he was losing his usual calmness.

"I signed my rights away. I never agreed on being replaced in less than a year. Do you think she won't know that the new bimbo you have isn't her mom? Because I will make sure she knows who her mom is" She says facing me with disgust and I smile.

"Legally you are nothing. You were just an incubator. You got tired and you signed it all away for a few thousand bucks, no court would let you see her with all that you've signed. There were witnesses, your own lawyer was there. Don't mess with me and don't you fucking dare insult her again. She is Alice's mother, whether you like it or not and I will tell Alice all the truth once the time comes and I can assure you that she will choose her over you at any second" His words were bitter but decisive and I gave her one last smile before leaving with Alice.

I didn't want to hear a single word that would come out of her mouth. Who does she think the is? She is nothing to Alice.

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