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Iris Caddel POV

The day was calm, I liked Alice, she was very extroverted when she was being stimulated with toys and playing. She was smart and only got grumpy when things didn't seem to go her way. I think she only needed a different approach, Daniel was definitely doing the best he could do. 

Daniel gave her a shower and played with her a bit, when he put her to bed she almost instantly fell asleep. She was up all afternoon playing and hearing me tell her what the things she pointed at were.

"Can I ask you if you have come to any decision?" He asks while we left the room.

"I actually have, it was quite easy honestly" I say calmly while following him to the living room.

"Will you accept it or not?" He asks nervously and I smile.

"I will gladly take your offer. I like you as a person and I don't mind spending that much time in your space, I also adore Alice and I think this is something inside my capacities" I say happy with my decision and I see him take a relieved breath, he seemed so relieved that I felt happy for him too.

"Thank you so much. I will have my lawyer draft the contract, it will be here tomorrow. It will start on the 2nd of January so you can have some time for yourself" He says excitedly, his smile was the biggest I had seen in the last two days.

"Don't worry about it. If you need me meanwhile I won't mind. I will still be here tomorrow as we had agreed. I think we can manage this on a daily basis" I say excited about this new change of career. It would definitely be something new.

"That is awesome, I was really hoping you would accept" He says happily.

"I didn't have much doubt, I just wanted to see how she would behave and how compatible we might be. We will be interacting with each other for a long time" I say while he turned on the tv.

"I think we will be just fine together. My family adores you and before I got so exhausted I used to be a pretty positive, outgoing, and extroverted person. I think we are very similar."

"I will go into my room while you relax a bit more. I have some things to care of" I say and he nods.

"I will see you tomorrow then. Have a good night Iris" He says while I prepared to leave.

"Have a good night Daniel" I say heading to the room I was at.

I prepared my resignation letter, which I know would be sudden but they were talking about contracts and I was a bit insecure for a while. Now at least I feel more confident in my job. I do this because I love kids and because I believe education is an important part of society. I know I won't be helping as many kids as I expected but I believe Alice and Daniel need me and that is enough for me.

Alice woke up once in the middle of the night. I made the milk and went there, changed her diaper, and fed her. She played with my hair while she drank from her bottle and her eyes were focused on mine.

"You are a very cute little girl Alice" I say and she smiles. She is the cutest.

"Do you think she might've just missed a mother figure?" I hear Daniel ask as he leaned on the door frame of her room.

"That is a possibility. Whatever the reason was, I know you were doing your best and that is more than enough" I say while she finished her bottle. I put made her burp and put her in her bed after walking around the room with her in my arms for a few minutes.

"I am really happy to have you with us. You are like an angel in my life" He says as we got out.

"Don't worry about it. Go to sleep, on work days I will take care of her if she happens to wake up at night, you should rest" I say while going to my door and he goes to his.

"Thank you. I will see you in a few hours" He says and we both got in our rooms.

Daniel is genuinely happy and he is a grateful person, it's a family thing because his parents and his sister are really good people. I've never bonded so well with a student's family just as I did with the Ricciardo's. 

The next day we did as the day before. Daniel woke up early and started his training session with Michael, I picked up Alice, took her out of her pajama, and put her in a cute dress she was loving it and took her with me to the kitchen.

I gave her breakfast and made breakfast for Daniel and Michael. They came inside and Michael smiled.

"I'm glad to know you will be sticking around. Welcome to the madness of Daniel Ricciardo's life" Michael says excitedly and I laugh.

"Well, thank you. I guess" I say putting the plates on the table.

"She is looking so cute, I almost forget all the hell she put me through" Daniel says drying his sweat with a towel and taking his phone out to take a picture of her.

"I took a picture when she was out of the chair. I will send it to you. I was thinking of taking her for a walk this afternoon, to see if she likes it. Maybe just keep inside the ranch for today" I say and he nods.

"I can go with you if you want, I will do my run at the end of the day, it's too hot to do it now" Daniel says excitedly.

"It sounds like a plan" I say happily. I pick Alice up and go into the living room while the both of them still talked.

Lunch was the rest that we had from dinner, I overdid it so Daniel heat it up and we got to eating quickly. Alice didn't make a mess, I think she realized that a mess would grant her a new dress. I saw Daniel was in the kitchen in the morning and after lunch but I didn't really think much about it.

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