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Daniel Ricciardo POV

Being called by police and having to enter a police station wasn't in my plans but they told me they had arrested Iris and they needed me to come urgently. I called Charles and he gave me the number of his lawyer which I called while I headed there. I had no idea what this could be about.

"Good afternoon. I am Daniel Ricciardo, I was asked to come here because of the arrest of Iris Caddel" I say nervously and the woman nods before an officer appears.

"Thank you for arriving here this fast. Alice's mother has made a complaint against Miss Caddel" He says and I am completely taken aback.

"That is not right. Alice's biological mother gave up her rights and she has no custody or legal rights to my daughter. Iris is her mother and has been for months. She would never do that, ever!" I say not believing it for a second, she wanted to see us pay for something she made up in her stupid mind.

"We have photos of your daughter bruised and distressed while crying in her arms. She is being questioned right now and we can get to the bottom of it" The officer starts walking and I follow closely behind.

"There is nothing to see here. She is clumsy, she started running and she falls all the time. That is not enough for a complaint. Babies cry, she is 1 year and a half. She cries." I say as we abruptly stop to look through a window and I see her with two cops, she was clearly stressed and I couldn't believe Britney went this far.

"Mama!" Alice says happily and puts her hands in the glass while trying to get her attention. Iris couldn't see her and it confused her.

"Is that your mommy?" The officer asks with a smile and she nods.

"Mama," she repeats as she points at Iris excitedly.

"Do you like your mommy? Is she good to you?" He asks curiously getting another nod from her.

"Mama good" She says almost proudly and I smile.

"Iris has a degree to work with children. She was a teacher, she taught my nephew and niece. She saved my life! She does a lot of research, she never once got even mad. She loves kids and she is the one who prevented me from going crazy with raising Alice alone. She could never hurt her" I insist worried about the consequences this might bring for her.

"We are obliged to look into these things. Child neglect and abuse are serious and we saw a lot of videos and it seemed difficult to believe but the woman who made the complaint was really convincing. She cried, she showed desperation and we took it seriously. We can't do nothing with a few pictures of bruised knees on a baby who is learning how to run" He says calmly and I calm myself down.

"She works with kids, this won't stay on her record, right? This is just an investigation and since nothing was found it will go away, right?" I try to reassure myself and he nods giving me a smile.

"I think you two will be fine. I will leave a note for everyone to know she is not her mother. She is probably angry that Miss Caddel is in your lives now. I would watch out for her safety" He says as we see her and the officers getting up and coming to the door.

"Mama!" Alice screams clearly outraged by the times she thought she was ignored.

"Hey, baby. Mama is alright, okay? Just give me a second" She asks giving her a smile but Alice shakes her head.

"No! Mama!" Alice calls as she threw herself in her direction and I thank myself for holding her this tightly or she would've fallen down.

"You can go ahead. We will drop the charges, she seems like a lovely kid and you seem like a good person to that kid. We are sorry for the stress caused, but we are obligated to follow up on every complaint" The older officer who interviewed her says and she exhales relieved.

"Thank you so much!" She says as she picks Alice up and she wraps her little arms around her neck.

"Are you okay? I am so sorry, I never knew she could stoop this low" I say once they leave and she nods.

"I never thought this could happen. Jesus Christ. I am still in shock she would do this to me. She is demented." Iris says angrily and I nod.

"I can't believe you had to go through this. I will talk to my lawyer in Australia and see if I can do something about this. Let me just call the lawyer I have on the way to tell him you got released" I say and she nods as we got out. She went to a nearby Starbucks.

I explained what happened and he told me to keep his contact and to ask for the paperwork so it is known she has lied before about these accusations. I went back in and they gave me all they could and I met them in Starbucks.

"I can't stop the urge to say sorry every minute" I say once I explained to her what the papers were for.

"It's not your fault. I'm just glad they were comprehensive or I think we would be investigated for something that didn't even happen" She is obviously a lot more calmer but I think we are both still processing it.

"I love you" I say as I kiss her cheek and she smiles.

"Love you too baby. Thank you for coming this fast" She says as she lays her head on my shoulder as I take a sip of her hot chocolate, she does anything not to drink coffee.

We went home and I ordered dinner while she did some simple pasta for Alice who was more than happy with it after running around for an hour, we put her into bed since her bath had been taken once we got home.

We went to the couch and we snuggled there as we turned on the tv. Tomorrow was the day we would leave for Singapore and I wanted her to myself before the craziness started again. I love my job but I also love the woman I have in my arms right now. I love her and the life we've been creating together.

I Got U ☼ Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now