ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞

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Iris Caddel POV

I woke up with a huge headache. I looked at the time and my phone said it was 11 AM. Shit. At least Alice is with Daniel's parents or I would be terribly late for that. Wait a minute.

What the fuck have I done? I kissed Daniel. I KISSED DANIEL. I kissed my boss. That was dumb Iris. Very dumb. Shit. Do I have any self-control when drunk? Apparently, my self-control dissipates as soon as a hot guy also finds me hot. After the kiss, everything is a big fog but I know I got to this room alone.

He must be so angry with me. That was so unprofessional. I know we were there as friends but this is something we can't ignore forever. But I will ignore it for as long as I can because I am embarrassed.

I took a long shower and went downstairs to eat something close by, I took an aspiring already so let's hope I don't throw up because I decided to be stupid and took that pill before eating. I was leaving the hotel's hall when I see Daniel talking to Scotty. Bloody hell.

"Iris! You two had a late night, this one only woke up now too" Scotty says giving me a little wave and my eyes were wide by the time he got quiet. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I got out of the party a little earlier and you must've stayed longer"

"Yeah, I got that" I say nodding trying to make this less awkward than it already is. I'm fucked. I might as well just go home to my parents and consider myself fired.

"Were you going to eat something?" Daniel asks with his usual smile and I nod.

"Yes, it's lunchtime and I didn't even eat breakfast" 

"I will take you to a cool space nearby. I will see you later mate" He says and does a little handshake with Scotty. Do men still do that? 

"That sounds good" I say and Scotty winks at me before leaving and I gulp nervously. Does he know? Of course he does. He is Danny's best friend. I woke up dumb today. I am sorry. "I don't know if the headache I have is from the music or the drinks"

"Maybe both, do you want to go buy something for it before we eat?" He asks as we walked the street of our hotel.

"No. I already took an aspirin" I say looking around, not a lot of people were out because it's Monday.

"You shouldn't take that on an empty stomach, let's get you some food before you get sick from doing that" He says entering a coffee shop nearby. 

"I am not very smart today" I say as we sat down. We quickly order our breakfast/lunch and wait for it to come.

"Do you want to talk about yesterday?" He asks while leaning back on his chair and I am now blushing because I don't remember the last time someone kissed me like that. It was the best kiss of my life and I folded as soon as I felt his hands holding and I saw his face inches away from mine I had to kiss him. And I did it. And now I regret it.

"I mean- I am sorry for kissing you. I guess I didn't think about the consequences of my actions. I should've been more tactful. We had a talk about how nobody would act on it and I acted on it like an hour later. I am really sorry if I made this uncomfortable but I really do love Alice and I love our friendship" I say nervously. My hands were on my lap sweating like crazy. Please, don't fire me.

"There is no reason to apologize. I wanted to make this very clear because I don't want us to dance around the subject and I also think that talking about it would be a good way to get rid of some uncomfortable feelings. I liked that kiss, it was one of the best kisses I ever had if it makes it better" He says with a smile, he is enjoying this and I just want a hole to bury myself in.

"It was a great kiss but I still crossed a line that I shouldn't. I'm aware of it" I say finally looking him in the eyes. He wasn't angry or disappointed, he was actually happy.

"There is no line to be crossed, there are no boundaries laid out. We are adults, we can make mistakes and learn from them. If you consider it a mistake we can just never talk about it again but I personally think that we could give it a go. I would like to take you out to dinner. Just me and you. A date" He says seriously and I am now shocked.

"Are you serious? I thought I was going to be fired" I say relieved and he laughs.

"I would never fire you. Ever. You are an angel with Alice and you are also the only person I would trust around her that isn't my family" He says amused and I try not to cry about the image I was giving him. I am a total mess today.

"I am very dumb today, don't blame me. The alcohol is still in my system surely. I would also love to have dinner with you, but isn't Alice only staying at your parents until late afternoon?" I ask interested on how the date would be doable.

"They are very pleased to have their granddaughter for one more night, I can assure you that. They have her routine and they love the new Alice. They are delighted" He says before thanking the waitress as our food arrives and I also thank her.

"It's a date then. Will you come by my room later?" I ask as I poured the orange juice into my glass and he nods.

"I will be there at 6:30 PM" He says excitedly and I am honestly excited too. Who wouldn't be?

I am going on a date. With Daniel Ricciardo. The sweetest, funnier, and hottest man I've ever met. I am winning in life.

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